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Education-Related Legislation

Each year, the California legislature considers thousands of new bills. To assist our community in staying informed about education-related bills currently under discussion in either the Senate or the Assembly, we've provided a summary below. These are just a few of the close to 3,000 bills introduced in the 2024 legislative calendar.

Clovis Unified School District's 2024 Legislative Platform

The Clovis Unified School District works with the Governor’s administration, state agencies, and its legislative representatives to adopt policies that support the district’s commitment to providing every student a world-class education. The district believes legislative decisions should honor a continued focus on local control, where educators, parents, and community members are fully engaged in setting priorities for educational programs and services, as well as maintaining the health and safety of students and staff. The district’s highest legislative priorities for the 2023-24 fiscal year, include:
Local Control
  • The Clovis Unified School District strongly supports the protection of local control for public schools in California. Locally elected school boards and the district’s governance team are charged with implementing an educational program that serves the unique interests and priorities of the community while abiding by the basic standards that are part of current law. We oppose legislative efforts that erode local control and interfere with the rights of the community and parents to be fully engaged in the policy and fiscal decision-making process at the school district level. In our school district, we firmly believe that decision-making at the level closest to those served by the government is not just important, but critical to ensuring effective and responsive education policies. Fiscal, instructional and operational issues related to local public schools and the interest of our public school students ought to be subject to the governance of local school boards and family-based values should not be compromised.
  • View the complete list of bills introduced this year 
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Legislative Calendar

2023-2024 Legislative Calendar Milestones for New Legislation

February 16—Bill introduction deadline
May 3—Policy committee deadline
May 24—Deadline for each house to pass bills introduced in that house to the other house
July 3—Policy committee deadline
August 31—Last day for each house to send bills to the Governor
September 30—Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills
Ensuring Fiscal Resilience  
  • Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Loss Protections
The current year budget clearly had revenue challenges and despite those challenges, the Legislature and Governor addressed a number of crucial issues for PK-12 education. Among the serious fiscal difficulties that did not get addressed was the importance of revisiting the issues related to ADA loss and declining enrollment. Heightened health awareness and an abundance of caution by parents has led to consequential ADA declines for Clovis Unified School District since state funding is directly tied to student attendance. While the short-term assistance provided two years ago along with a new three-year rolling average for calculating ADA was essential, there is a systemic, permanent loss of attendance that still needs legislative attention. Clovis Unified School District supports additional state level ADA loss protection. 
During the past two years, enrollment-based funding has been considered in legislation by the state legislature as an alternative to ADA-based funding.  The Clovis Unified School District has not supported this legislation and continues to oppose enrollment-based funding which amounts to simply shifting resources from some districts to others.  Our district continues to support the Average Daily Attendance Method as districts have a responsibility to promote positive attendance to ensure the opportunities to educate our students.
  • Increase Base Funding for Education
The Governor and Legislature have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to base funding for education, particularly in light of the extraordinary efforts made to fund the full COLA for PK-12 education the last several years. Beyond just an inflation allowance, the base of LCFF and other PK-12 programs essentially stand still without allocations above that basic level.  Over the past several years, the Governor and Legislature have acknowledged this by ensuring that funding was provided to base funding beyond COLA but is is critical to address the formula as every time the base increases so does the supplemental and concentration dollars that are allocated. The new LCFF formula has become more restrictive than the old revenue limits formulas as the increased dollars are continually added to restricted programs when we need the dollars in the base operational cost of the district.
Local educational programs that are comprehensive and equitable cannot exist without the ongoing support of adequate state funds. The school district projects a fiscal cliff in the coming years as State and Federal one-time funds become exhausted and we continue to have challenges with the fiscal impacts due to fluctuations of student enrollment and rapidly growing costs (e.g., pensions, healthcare, special education, transportation, and unemployment insurance). Looking for ways to increase LCFF base funding beyond the COLA augmentation will be essential to sustaining programs that are critical to student success and well-being.
Special Education Funding 
  • The huge unfunded mandates in special education, primarily from the Federal government but also state requirements are a serious ongoing issue for Clovis Unified School District. Clovis Unified School District is committed to protecting the civil rights and educational opportunities of students with disabilities, but continued efforts to seek funding support from the state is vitally important. Clovis Unified School District supports full funding of special education programs through state and federal resources, given that local districts currently carry the majority of the costs to ensure all students with disabilities have access to the educational services and opportunities they deserve. The district urges the state to make continued investments in special education.

School Facilities
  • We recognize the pivotal role that school facilities play in shaping the educational experiences of our students. We firmly believe that every child deserves access to a safe, modern, and inspiring learning environment that fosters growth, innovation, and academic excellence. We know that investing in school facilities is an investment in the future of our community and our nation. We commit to securing equitable funding for school facilities across Clovis Unified. Regardless of a student's background or circumstances, they should have the same access to state-of-the-art facilities that enhance their learning journey. We support robust and sustainable funding mechanisms that ensure our schools have the resources they need to create environments conducive to learning. Recognizing the rising costs associated with school construction and modernization, we advocate for a forward-thinking funding formula. This formula should accurately address the increasing expenses and complexities of maintaining, renovating, and building new school facilities. By acknowledging the cost escalation, we can allocate funds more effectively and ensure that every dollar invested yields the greatest impact on student learning and development.
School Transportation
  • The district supports the long-overdue funding for school transportation programs and advocates for progress in raising the percentage of covered costs from 60 percent to 100 percent phased in over a multi-year period.
  • Clovis Unified supports funding for cleaner, fuel-efficient buses that are not restricted to electric bus technology. The broad investments in electric school bus technology benefits only some school districts where route distance and topography are a unique fit. The limitations on driving distance on a single charge and the overall technology of electric school buses have not yet achieved a capacity to serve all districts including Clovis Unified. Funding for school bus infrastructure that is increasingly environmentally friendly should not be limited to electric buses.
Career Technical Education (CTE)
  • Only in recent years has California begun to reverse the trend of disinvestment in CTE. Clovis Unified School District is implementing ambitious and successful CTE programs but needs the state to increase its commitment to these educational programs that are directly linked to job creation and our regional economic future. Clovis Unified School District supports actions to provide ongoing increased support to career technical education programs.
Pension Policy and Finance
  • The current year budget was the first State budget in four years to forgo any assistance from the State to help school districts shoulder the unfunded burden of pension cost increases mandated by state actions. Clovis Unified School District supports protecting the retirement benefits of its employees, past and present, by addressing the unfunded obligation that is generating volatility and strain for the budgets of local educational agencies around the state. 
Increasing CalSTRS and CalPERS state mandated pension costs divert resources away from instruction and student supports. Clovis Unified School District supports the state providing additional funding to both pension systems on behalf of school employers to mitigate growing obligations. The district urges the Governor and Legislature to allocate State General Fund resources to mitigate the increased costs of PERS and STRS on public school districts.   Clovis Unified believes the rapid debt paydown on pensions should be adjusted before any future reductions to services are considered.
Addressing the Staffing Shortage 
  • Even today, the COVID-19 Pandemic has created long-lasting negative impacts to the certificated and classified staffing of the district. Identifying opportunities to hire highly qualified teachers and classified staff is of the highest importance as it fundamentally impacts the quality of education for students. Clovis Unified School District supports policies that maximize the authority and flexibility of school boards to attract and retain highly qualified staff. The district also supports restoring flexibility in credentialing requirements for the hiring of new teachers and options to retain teaching talent longer, even after retirement, as tools to confront the teacher shortage.

Summary of Bills

Bill No./ Author
Charter Schools
*AB 2254
Rubio, Blanca
Charter Schools: Renewal Criteria
Career Technical Education
AB 377
Career Technical Education: California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program: Strong Workforce Program
*AB 3131
California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program: Strong Workforce Program: Priority for Applicants in Historically Redlined Communities
*SB 1244
Pupil Instruction: Dual Enrollment: College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships
AB 1555
Transitional Kindergarten: Teacher Assignments: Qualification Requirements
*AB 2100
School Districts: Payment of Teachers in 10, 11, or 12 Equal Payments
*AB 2328
Fong, Mike
Classified Employees: School and Community College Districts: Merit System: Disciplinary Action
*AB 2534
Certificated Employees: Disclosures: Egregious Misconduct
*AB 2901
Aguiar- Curry
School And Community College Employees: Paid Disability and Parental Leave
*AB 3060
Pupil Transportation: Transportation Network Companies: Public Utilities Commission: Safety Standards: Exemptions
*SB 1263
Teacher Credentialing: Teaching Performance Assessments: Repeal
AB 247
Education Finance: School Facilities: Transitional Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024
AB 1642
School Facilities: Master Plan for Green Schoolyards: Greening Programs
*AB 2565
School Facilities: Interior Locks
 SB 28
Education Finance: School Facilities: Public Preschool, K- 12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2024
*SB 956
School Facilities: Design-Build Contracts
*SB 1091
School Facilities: Greening Projects
Governance and District Operations
*AB 2715
Ralph M. Brown Act: Closed Sessions
*SB 1315
School Accountability: Local Educational Agencies: Annual Reporting Requirements
AB 71
Pupil Instruction: Bleeding Control
*AB 359
Pupil Instruction: Dual Enrollment: College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships
*AB 2226
Elementary Education: Kindergarten
*AB 2251
Graduation Requirements: Local Requirements: Exemptions
*AB 2273
Career Technical Education: California Pilot Paid Internship Program
*AB 2377
Rivas, Luz
Pupil Instruction: Physical Education: Religious Exemption: Fasting
*AB 2429
Pupil Instruction: Health Education Courses: Fentanyl
*AB 2927
Pupil Instruction: High School Graduation Requirements: Personal Finance
*SB 1056
Elementary Education: Kindergarten
*SB 1094
Pupil Instruction: Course of Study: Social Sciences: Civic Engagement
*SB 1410
Ochoa Bogh
Pupil Instruction: Curriculum Frameworks: Mathematics: Algebra
*AB 2652
State Department of Education: Artificial Intelligence Working Group
*SB 1288
Public Schools: Artificial Intelligence Working Group
*SB 1421
Educational Equity: Uniform Complaint Procedures: Office of Civil Rights
*SB 1471
Pupil Instruction: Quiet Reflection
School Safety and Student Discipline
*AB 1858
School Safety: Active Shooter Drills
*AB 2351
Suspensions and Expulsions: Acts Occurring Outside of School Hours
*AB 2711
Suspensions and Expulsions: Controlled Substances: Tobacco: Alcohol: Plans and Protocols
*AB 2887
School Safety Plans: Medical Emergency Procedures
*AB 3038
School Safety: Armed School Resource Officers
Special Education
SB 445
Special Education: Individualized Education Programs: Translation Services
State Budget, Education Finance, LCFF
AB 238
California Student Teacher Support Grant Program
AB 527
Urban Forestry: School Greening Projects: Grants
AB 938
Education Finance: Local Control Funding Formula: Base Grants: Classified and Certificated Staff Salaries
*AB 1812
Budget Act of 2024
*AB 2112
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
*SB 917
Budget Act of 2024
*SB 1203
Education Expenses: Education Flex Account Act of 2024
*SCA 9
Educational Expenses: Education Flex Accounts and Special Education Flex Accounts
Student Health
AB 19
Patterson, Joe
Pupil Health: Opioid Antagonists
*AB 1915
Pupil Health: Drug Education: Opioid Overdose Training Program
*AB 2998
Minors: Consent to Medical Care
AB 3262
Automated External Defibrillators
*SB 997
Pupil Health: Naloxone Hydrochloride Nasal Spray and Fentanyl Test Strips
*SB 1248
Pupil Health: Extreme Weather Conditions: Physical Activity
*SB 1318
Pupil Health: Suicide Prevention Policies: Pupil Mental Health Crisis
Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit
Buchanan Area Schools
Buchanan link image Alta Sierra link image Cole link image Century Elem logo with "C" and Tiger Dry Creek link image Garfield Elementary Logo Tarpey link image Woods link image
Clovis High Area Schools
Clovis High link image Clark link image Cedar Wood link image Clovis Elementary link image Mickey Cox link image Gettysburg link image Jefferson link image Red Bank link image Sierra Vista link image Weldon link image
Clovis West Area Schools
Clovis West link image Kastner link image Ft. Washington link image Liberty link image Lincoln link image Maple Creek Nelson link image Pinedale link image Valley Oak link image
Clovis North Area Schools
Clovis North link image Bud Rank link image Copper Hills Fugman link image Mountain View link image River View link image
Clovis East Area Schools
Clovis East wolf logo Freedom link image Miramonte link image Oraze link image Reagan Elementary link image
Clovis South Area Schools
TBEC Logo Boris Chargers logo Fancher Creek Logo Hirayama Logo TK Logo Young logo
Educational Services Area Schools
CART link image Gateway link image Clovis Online School link image Clovis Community Day School link image Clovis Adult Education link image Sierra Outdoor link image