Our Vision
To be America’s benchmark for excellence in education.
Our Mission
To be a quality educational system providing the resources for ALL students to reach their potential in Mind, Body and Spirit.
Decision-making in Clovis Unified is shaped by a process of strategic planning that defines the vision, mission and non-negotiable beliefs of our school district. Our Strategic Plan is adopted by the Governing Board in three-year cycles. The 2024-27 Strategic Plan is available below.
You can’t hit the target if you aren’t pointed in the right direction. Our aims do just that: point us in the right direction needed to achieve our mission and vision. Over the course of the next three years, Clovis Unified will focus specifically on these three aims:
AIM I: Maximize Achievement for ALL Students
AIM II: Operate with Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness
AIM III: Develop, Sustain and Value a High-Quality Diverse Workforce