Educational Partner Engagement

Summary of Educational Partner Engagement Process

Educational Partners were invited to submit ongoing suggestions and feedback for the current plan and other potential needs for consideration on the district website. Feedback for the development of this plan was gathered from January 2023 to May 2023. Development of the 2023-24 LCAP took place throughout the school year. 
Following several months of work to implement the LCAP actions and services, District and school leaders held well over 100 educational partner meetings during the school year to gather input (including meetings at every school site in the district). Parents were invited to participate at these meetings via telephone calls, Peach Jar, the district website, Facebook posts, and emails in multiple languages. All sites discussed the LCAP at their quarter one and three School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings, site level student meetings, School Assessment Review Team (SART) and Parent Teacher Club (PTC) meetings in January through May. These meetings included parents, students, classified and certificated employees and community members. Each partner group was encouraged to share recommendations and considerations for improvement. Meetings focused on the CUSD Mid-Year Report and effective strategies to meet the needs of our student groups including at-risk students, English Learners (EL), Foster Youth (FY), and Low Income (LI) students. Site Principals and leadership teams provided input at their meetings held throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Parents and students were asked to provide their feedback on district wide surveys that were administered in January for students and March for parents. Meeting feedback was analyzed and recommendations for action/service modifications were considered by district leadership. 
In summary, CUSD conducted ongoing educational partner engagement and sought for feedback through from numerous meetings from a wide range of educational partners listed below: 
· Parents (LCAP Parent Advisory Nights: January 30, 2023, and March 27, 2023); location: area schools and Clovis Veterans Memorial Building 
·PAC includes parents of LI, EL, FY, and SWD (November 29, 2022 and March 21, 2023) Draft of LCAP was presented at the May 9, 2023 meeting and the superintendent responded in writing to questions asked by the group; location: Professional Learning Center. 
· DELAC (October 25, 2022, January 17, 2023) Draft of LCAP was presented at the May 9, 2023 meeting and the superintendent responded in writing to questions asked by the group; location Professional Learning Center. 
· Pupils at all school site meetings held by principal (Spring 2023) 
· Bargaining Unit Certificated (ACE Psychologists) Other certificated employee groups (Independent Clovis Unified Educators, Faculty Senate) (February 27, 2023); Location: Professional Development Building in conjunction with Superintendent's Staff and (March 2, 2023) on zoom. 
· Bargaining Units Classified (California State Employees Association), Classified employee group (Classified Unit Business Support Senate) (February 27, 2023); Location: Professional Development Building in conjunction with Superintendent's Staff and (March 2, 2023) on zoom. 
· Teachers and Classified Site Personnel (Meetings held at the school sites between February 2023 and March 2023) 
· Administration including District Leadership, Principal Meetings, Division Meetings, Administrator Professional Learning (Fall, 20222; Spring 2023); location: Areas, Professional Learning Center, and Professional Development Building.
· Community (Monthly Parent Teacher Clubs (PTC) meetings held at sites; SSCs and ELAC meetings held at the school site in the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023) 
· CUSD SELPA Feedback—Parents (January 30, 2023 and March 27, 2023) Veterans Memorial Building; Community Advisory Committee Meeting (February 8, 2023) Professional Development Building. 
· Public Comment Period (April 28-May 28, 2023; Draft LCAP available online on the district's website or from school sites; online comments made available) 
· Public Hearing at the Governing Board Meeting (May 24, 2023 @ 6:45pm); location: Professional Development Building. 
· LCAP and Budget approved at Governing Board meeting on June 14, 2023, at the Professional Development Building. 
·Local Indicators Report presented at the same Governing Board meeting as the LCAP approval at the Professional Development Building.  

A Summary of Feedback

Throughout our meetings held at the district and at the school sites, we utilized a system called ThoughtExchange. ThoughtExchange prioritizes presented thoughts based on ratings from other participants. Below are some of the common themes from each of the educational partner groups. Pupils (n=141) 
Provide social-emotional support 
More student engagement activities and support 
Provide support for students who are struggling academically 
Provide efficiency with technology 
Parents (n=410) 
Concerns with students’ mental health and social-emotional needs 
Provide elementary counselors 
Provide behavioral support for students to access their learning and support teachers to teach 
Continue interventions to support academic needs 
Classified and Certificated Site Personnel (n=906) 
Class size reduction—to support academics 
Social-emotional support 
Behavioral support 
More counselors 
Administration/Parents/Pupils/Certificated and Classified Personnel--LCAP Advisory Meeting, January 30, 2023 (n=193) 
Increase in counselors 
Mental health support 
Social-emotional well-being 
• Continue to build AVID 
Administration/Parents/Pupils/Certificated and Classified Personnel--LCAP Advisory Meeting, April 4, 2022 (n=184) 
Elementary Counselors on every site 
More behavior, social-emotional and mental supports 
Student Relations Liaisons at every site 
Continue to build the Positivity Project 
Bargaining Unit Certificated (ACE Psychologists)/Other certificated employee groups (Independent Clovis Unified Educators, Faculty Senate)/Bargaining Units Classified (California State Employees Association), Classified employee group (Classified Unit Business Support Senate) (n=26) 
Elementary counselors needed 
Building engagement, emotional health skills 
Continue AVID 
Lower class sizes 
PAC/FY (n=7) 
Support for how to deal with Bullying 
Support with behaviors 
Mental health support 
Academic Intervention 
Inclusion—raise awareness 
DELAC (n=8) 
Mental health support 
Academic Intervention 
Social-Emotional Support 
While there were some differences, some common themes were found in each of the groups. The following were some of the more common themes: 
Social-Emotional Support 
Behavioral Support 
Additional Academic Intervention 
Student Engagement 
Annually, Clovis Unified surveys its students and parents to gather feedback and help us audit the services we provide our students. Survey data is used to inform the decision-making process, including the development of the LCAP. Surveys are taken each spring. The following are some of the results from the surveys for consideration by group: Parent Self-Reported Data: 
96% of parents agree their child’s school provides a quality education for their child. 
88% of parents agree their child's reading skills are improving. 
• 88% of parents agree their child’s math skills are improving. 
• 88% of parents agree that school personnel and site safety procedures are in place to maintain a safe and secure school environment for their child. 
• 100% of parents agree their child has attended or participated in a school or class event, such as a play, performing arts event, sports event, or other school-related activity. 
Students Self-Reported Data: 
84% of students agreed that their school provides a quality education. 
89% of students agreed that their school is a safe place for learning. 
81% of students agree they can set and work toward personal goals. 
84% of students agree they feel like I am a part of their school. 
72% of students have participated in any co-curricular activities (e.g., activities that take place after school, clubs, sports, etc.). 
86% of special education students agree their school provides enough support for special education students. 
89% of EL students agree their school provides enough support for (EL) students. 
Feedback for the 2023-24 LCAP was collected from the LCAP Parent Advisory group on January 30, 2023. A follow-up LCAP Parent Advisory meeting was held on March 27, 2023. Individual school sites held LCAP feedback at their sites with parent groups, staff, and students. The theme around these meetings revolved around 1) Social-Emotional Support: Positivity Project, Second Step, Mental Health Supports, Counselors 2) Behavioral Support: Behavior Consultation Team 3) Academic Support: AVID, Teaching Pyramid, Intervention, MTSS and 4) Student Engagement: VAPA support. These meetings affirmed the actions and services in place and brainstormed other ways that services could be extended. 

Aspects of the LCAP Influenced by Stakeholder Input

The educational partner engagement process influenced the development of this year’s LCAP. Looking at the most common themes in the prior section, the following describes how we meet that need. 

Social-Emotional Support--Many initiatives are temporarily funded through state and federal grants with actions that specifically target social-emotional wellness. We currently have the following actions and services designated in this year’s LCAP to support social-emotional help through providing the following: Healthy Start Coordinator, mentoring services at alternative sites, Clovis Support and Intervention Program, administrative support for multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), behavior consultation team, mental health support providers, and lead psychologists for the Comprehensive Wellness Project. After reviewing metrics and gathering educational partners’ feedback, we are proposing a new action (Goal 1, Action 32) to add elementary six new elementary counselors to support social-emotional needs. 
Behavioral Support—We currently have actions/services for behavioral support for students such as school psychologists and other support staff who facilitate the implementation of PBIS, additional behavioral support psychologists, board certified behavior analysts, and instructional assistants, mental health support providers, and lead psychologists. Our staff and systems provide support and resources for students who need additional assistance to work through challenging behaviors that may impede their learning. After reviewing metrics and gathering educational partners’ feedback, we are proposing a revision of Goal 1, Action 29 to increase staffing for the Behavior Consultation Team to support the behavioral needs of our students. 
Academic/Intervention Support--We are continuing to fund our intervention programs. One-time state and federal funds are also being used for these purposes. We have actions and services that provide academic and intervention support. They include class size reduction, instructional technology, special education programs, supplemental instructional support for sites, intervention summer learning academy, push-in K-6 teachers, additional instructional support for core classes and college and career readiness, online curriculum for intervention and credit recovery, opportunity classes, MTSS support, intervention stipends, ELD teachers at secondary schools, online curriculum for intervention, and EL summer school, and supplement 
Student Engagement Support—The following actions in our LCAP support student engagement: increased connection points, visual and performing arts equipment, Transition Team Student Relations Liaisons and Instructional Assistants, Transition Directors, Transition Counselors, and Transition Learning Directors. We are proposing a revision of Goal 2, Action 8 to support student engagement by adding a VAPA coordinator, support staff, and teacher on special assignment. 
Throughout the engagement process, it was apparent that our English Learner, Low Income and Foster Parents/guardians are supportive of the district’s current intervention and engagement efforts. While supporting the actions and services in place within the district currently, feedback was received related to areas that could benefit from additional, concerted efforts by educators in order to maximize achievement and success for identified students. 
Based on feedback the following input was used to develop our 2023-24 LCAP. 
Inclusion of action(s) or group of actions 
Goal 1, Action 32—Elementary counselors to support social-emotional needs. 
Changes of action(s) or groups of actions 
Goal 1, Action 8—will support the addition of a VAPA coordinator, support staff, and teacher on special assignment. 
Changes to the level of proposed expenditures for one or more actions 
Goal 1, Action 23—Counselors to Reduce Caseloads 
Goal 1, Action 29—Behavior Consultation Team 
Goal 2, Action 14—Professional Development for Diversity 
Goal 3, Action 2—Professional Development (Content Standards, AVID, Diversity) 

Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit

Buchanan Area Schools

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Educational Services Area Schools

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