Goal 1-Maximize Achievement for ALL Students

Why The Goal Was Developed

Clovis Unified developed this broad goal because not all our students are currently performing at or above grade level. Our FY, EL, and LI students are performing below all students as measured by the California Dashboard and data on DataQuest. This goal was developed to reflect our district’s commitment to a quality education and to accelerate learning, ensuring that all students are met with challenging curriculum and appropriate instruction. Using research-based principles, we seek to look for innovative methods, better-trained personnel, and quality programs to offer our students the time and means necessary to achieve to their highest potential. We have carefully selected metrics to track progress across a wide span of areas. We measure overall achievement in mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) using state and local assessment data. We monitor the progress and reclassification of English learners. We believe it is important that students are prepared for college and career, monitoring things like A-G completion, AP course enrollment, and CTE completion. Clovis Unified carefully monitors student progress to ensure that students stay actively enrolled and participating by monitoring middle school and high school dropout rates. Our actions and services are carefully implemented with these metrics in mind. From health and wellness to visual and performing arts, from class sizes to increasing connection points at school, from increased bus routes to our Transition Program, we have clearly organized people and programs to support our targeted student population and to maximize achievement for ALL students, where ALL means ALL. 

Action 1-Instructional and Operational Technology

Clovis Unified will provide instructional and operational technology for all students. They will also maintain and support technology systems to ensure that students and employees have access to effective technology.

Allocated Funds: $20,683,606.00

Action 2-Class Size Reduction

Clovis Unified will provide additional personnel to reduce elementary class sizes.

Allocated Funds: $1,738,839.00

Action 3-Students with IEP's

Clovis Unified will continue services to students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) or otherwise qualifying for Special Education programs/services.

Allocated Funds: $116,910,681.00

Action 4-Additional Support or Students with Disabilities

Clovis Unified will provide additional support and specialized programs beyond base services for students with special with disabilities to help close the achievement gap in Math and ELA.  

Allocated Funds: $1,767,991.00

Action 5-Career Technical Education Courses

Clovis Unified will provide extensive CTE courses and pathways at all high schools and additional CART instructors. This will include providing supplies, equipment, certifications, facilities, staff, and ongoing teacher support to ensure increased access, language supports, differentiation, scaffolds, and resources based on the needs of foster youth, low-income, and English learner students.

Total Allocated Funds:$11,518,570.00

Action 6-Licensing to Provide Online College and Career Planning

Clovis Unified will provide licensing for online college and career planning to all counselors and students in grades 5-12 to support low-income, foster, and English learner students.

Allocated Funds: $39,258.00

Action 7-Specialized Services and Support for Migrant Ed.

Clovis Unified will provide specialized services and support for migrant education students and families to maintain ongoing communication between home and school.

Allocated Funds:$125,000.00

Action 8-Supplemental Instructional Support for Sites

Clovis Unified will provide supplemental resources aligned to foster youth, low-income, and English learner students' individual needs for each school site.

Allocated Funds: $2,527,476.00

Action 9-Intervention Summer Learning Academy

Clovis Unified will provide Summer Learning Academies to increase summer learning opportunities in a tiered framework.

Allocated Funds: $857,343.00

Action 10-Push-In K-6 Teachers

Clovis Unified will provide fully-credentialed push-in teachers and/or instructional assistants to support TK-6 classes during the school day.

Allocated Funds: $1,114,957.00

Action 11-Additional Instructional Support for Core Classes and College & Career Readiness

Clovis Unified will provide additional support classes such as Academic Seminar, Study Skills, Science, Math and AVID to deliver more instructional time to support core areas and prepare students for college and career.

Allocated Funds: $3,394,193.00

Action 12-Secondary Intervention

Clovis Unified will provide additional stipends, hourly intervention, and/or instructional assistants for intermediate schools and high schools to increase the number of interventions available.

Allocated Funds: $944,056.00

Action 13-Healthy Start Coordinator

Clovis Unified will provide a Healthy Start Coordinator to support students at alternative education sites.

Allocated Funds: $101,109.00 

Action 14-ELD Teachers at Secondary Schools

Clovis will provide comprehensive language acquisition programs to help students acquire proficiency in English. English Language Learners will receive high-quality integrated and designated ELD to support vocabulary and language development.

Allocated Funds: $1,701,656.00

Action 15-Online Curriculum for Intervention and Credit Recovery

Clovis Unified will provide an online credit recovery program.

Allocated Funds: $155,000.00

Action 16-Increased Bus Routes

Clovis Unified will provide additional bus routes for identified students to attend Clovis Community College for dual credit course offerings and other district sites for CTE courses not offered at their home site.

Allocated Funds: $75,000.00

Action 17-Mentoring Services at Alternative Sites

Clovis Unified will provide mentors to FY, LI, and EL students attending alternative education sites.

Allocated Funds: $50,000.00

Action 18-Opportunity Classes at Intermediate Schools

Clovis Unified will provide a teacher for opportunity classes at each of our intermediate schools.

Allocated Funds: $768,841.00

Action 19-Clovis Support and Intervention

Clovis Unified will provide clerical, management, and school site stipends for Clovis Support and Intervention (CSI) to support low-income, foster youth, and English learner students.

Allocated Funds: $198,409.00

Action 20-EL Summer School

Clovis Unified will provide EL students with summer school focused on academic language acquisition, strategies for tackling unfamiliar terms, and vocabulary development, which are research-proven strategies for accelerated language development.

Allocated Funds: $19,256.00

Action 21-Additional Nursing Services

Clovis Unified will provide additional nursing services to work at selected elementary schools with a higher percentage of FY, LI, and EL students.

Allocated Funds: $774,952.00

Action 22-Personnel for Student Services and School Attendance for Foster and Homeless Support

Clovis will provide personnel, training, and materials to support FY and LI students.

Allocated Funds: $1,105,893.00

Action 23-Counselors to Reduce Caseload

Clovis Unified will provide additional Guidance Learning Directors and Guidance Learning Specialists who are assigned to comprehensive secondary school sites.

Allocated Funds: $2,714,419.00

Action 24-Guidance Instructional Specialist for At-Risk Students

Clovis Unified will fund Guidance Instructional Specialists to increase the success of at-risk, identified 7-12 grade students.

Allocated Funds: $466,154.00

Action 25-Comprehensive Youth Services

Clovis Unified will continue the partnership with Comprehensive Youth Services (CYS) of Fresno to support student’s social and emotional needs including community outreach programs, with the primary focus being FY, LI, and EL students.

Allocated Funds: $869,224.00

Action 26-Administrative Support for MTSS

Clovis Unified will provide administrative support to oversee the MTSS framework and implementation of both academic and behavior MTSS throughout the district.

Allocated Funds: $801,784.00

Action 27-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Clovis Unified will continue to fund school psychologists and other support staff who facilitate the implementation of a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that is designed to meet the unique needs of FY,LI and EL students.

Allocated Funds: $439,097.00

Action 28-Computer-Based Data Management System

Clovis Unified will continue to purchase computer-based data management systems to monitor student achievement, track academic progress, and identify gaps in learning, and allow for individualized grouping of students to meet the needs of FY, EL, and LI students.

Allocated Funds: $438,071.00

Action 29-Behavior Consultation Team

Clovis Unified will provide additional behavioral support psychologists, board certified behavior analysts, and instructional assistants to support elementary sites.

Allocated Funds: $1,396,541.00

Action 30-Mental Health Support Providers

Clovis Unified will provide mental health support providers at each comprehensive high school site.

Allocated Funds: $773,750.00

Action 31-Lead Psychologist for Comprehensive Wellness Project

Clovis Unified will provide lead psychologists to oversee and provide administrative support for the CUSD Comprehensive Wellness Project.

Allocated Funds: $280,108.00

Action 32-Elementary Social Emotional Support

Clovis Unified will fund elementary school counselors.

Allocated funds: $694,692.00

Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit

Buchanan Area Schools

Buchanan link image Alta Sierra link image Cole link image Century Elem logo with "C" and Tiger Dry Creek link image Garfield Elementary Logo Tarpey link image Woods link image

Clovis High Area Schools

Clovis High link image Clark link image Cedar Wood link image Clovis Elementary link image Mickey Cox link image Gettysburg link image Jefferson link image Red Bank link image Sierra Vista link image Weldon link image

Clovis West Area Schools

Clovis West link image Kastner link image Ft. Washington link image Liberty link image Lincoln link image Maple Creek Nelson link image Pinedale link image Valley Oak link image

Clovis North Area Schools

Clovis North link image Bud Rank link image Copper Hills Fugman link image Mountain View link image River View link image

Clovis East Area Schools

Clovis East wolf logo Boris link image Fancher Creek link image Freedom link image Hirayama link image Miramonte link image Oraze link image Temperance Kutner link image Reagan Elementary link image Young Elementary link image

Educational Services Area Schools

CART link image Gateway link image Clovis Online School link image Clovis Community Day School link image Clovis Adult Education link image Sierra Outdoor link image