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Clovis Teacher Residency Program

A teacher and two students work on a creative project together in a classroom setting.

Welcome to the Clovis Teacher Residency Program Information Page! We currently have one residency in which we are actively recruiting candidates.


This residency is for candidates interested in earning a Special Education Credential and can commit to three consecutive semesters of university coursework along with student teaching.


Candidates can pick a from mild to moderate support needs (MM/SM) or an extensive support needs (ESN) credential.  

Scroll to the bottom of this page for more information about the residency and Zoom Links to our informational sessions.

What is a residency?

A residency is a rigorous, compressed pathway to complete your credential. Residents are paired with a Clovis Unified teacher and complete their clinical practice at a Clovis Unified school site.


Advantages to a residency include, finishing in fewer semesters, mentoring from CUSD teachers, embedded district professional development, and priority interview opportunities.


What does it look like?

Continuous 3 semester program with 18-24 units per phase, Opportunities available Fall and Spring Semesters. Student teaching placement in Clovis Unified plus coursework at Fresno State.


Stipend paid to cover tuition cost.  

Must commit to three years teaching service in Clovis Unified School District or a California public school.

Who is eligible?

Individuals with a bachelor's degree, and a desire to work VERY hard.


Individuals who meet these Fresno State requirements:

  • Admission to Fresno State and residency program
  • Credential program application submitted to ED 100
  • Attendance at Zoom information session with the university and district
  • All CBEST or equivalent passed (upon completion)
  • Liberal Studies waiver or 3 MS CSETs passed (upon completion)



Need more information?

If you're interested in the program or have questions, reach out to Marshall Hamm at 
or 559-327-0634.

Informational Meetings Begin at 4:30 PM Meetings begin at 4:30 pm

Thursday, February 9, 2023  Click here to visit the webpage

Thursday, March 2, 2023  Click here to visit the webpage

Thursday, March 9, 2023 Click here to visit the webpage

 Monday, March 13, 2023 Click here to visit the webpage