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Parent FAQs

  • Does Clovis Unified School District offer honors or accelerated learning programs and coursework for gifted students?
    The cornerstone of CUSD’s accelerated learning program is the Gifted and Talented (GATE) program. Starting as early as the first grade, academically gifted students can take part in the Exceptionally Capable Learners (ECL) program. This enrichment/extended learning program serves students in first through third grade. Each of the district’s schools also offer the GATE program beginning in the fourth grade. Students who are identified and qualify for the GATE program will take part in pull-out activities, mini-courses, vertical acceleration, special day classes and other curriculum beyond what is provided in the regular classroom. At the intermediate level the needs of a GATE student are met in a variety of ways. Special daily elective (honors) classes, independent study courses, vertical acceleration into high school courses, enrichment in the regular classroom and mini-courses on a wide variety of subjects are some of the resources available to these students. When a student enters high school, Advanced Placement classes, independent study, vertical acceleration, and advanced level electives in science, math, music, art, English and social sciences are offered. For more information on how students are identified for the GATE program, call the district’s GATE coordinator at 559.327.9085.

    I am interested in learning more about the CUSD GATE Program for my child.
    The Clovis Unified School District GATE Program is designed to provide differentiated instruction and extended learning opportunities for students who have demonstrated exceptional abilities and whose educational needs may not be fully met without modifications of the regular education program. Students participating in the GATE program should and will have access to persons, experiences, relationships, materials, and ideas for expanding their awareness. Each student must be offered an educational opportunity commensurate with his or her needs and abilities. Students shall be given the benefit of an educational program designed to suit their capabilities and encouraged to develop themselves fully.

    Each of the District’s schools – elementary (K-6), intermediate (7-8), or high school (9-12) – plans and implements its own GATE program according to the needs of the students at that site. Students in grades

    4 through 12 may be considered for GATE eligibility in Clovis Unified at any time.

    For additional information and resources.

    What can I do to help my child develop healthy homework habits?
    Developing good homework habits are very important for the success of your child’s education.

  • May 2016:  President Obama’s recent directive to public schools across the nation to allow students to use the restroom or locker room of their gender identity has generated a lot of conversation around the nation. Following are some answers to questions that parents may have about this recent Presidential Directive, existing California laws, and how Clovis Unified is implementing the law in our schools while creating a supportive environment for all students.

    Q.  What impact does President Obama’s May 13 directive to the nation’s public schools have on Clovis Unified?
    A.  The President’s recent directive does not have any new impact on public schools in California.  The State of California was the first state in the nation to implement a law  that gives transgender students certain rights, which includes their right to use school  bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender with which they identity.  This California law was signed by the Governor of the State of California in August 2013 and went into effect January 1, 2014.  This law pre-dates the President’s directive on the subject.

    Q.  What precipitated changes in California public school policies related to use of restrooms and locker rooms?
    A.  In 2013, California’s Governor signed into law AB1266, which provides that “[a] pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”  As a result, California public schools are required to allow transgender students to use the restrooms and bathrooms of the gender to which they identify. Because this is a state law, all school districts in California must comply with the law. Parents can be assured that Clovis Unified is navigating the myriad of issues this 2013 law presents to every school district in the state carefully and with the best interest of each one of our students in mind.

    Q. What options are available for parents who do not want their student to use multi-stall school bathrooms or open locker rooms?
    A.  In addition to existing options for students such as using individual bathroom stalls or single-stall bathrooms on campus, Clovis Unified is adding additional privacy stalls in intermediate and high school locker rooms.  The construction of new privacy stalls resulted from conversations with parents and community groups who, over time, have requested additional privacy options to respect the modesty of all students on campus.

    If a parent does not want his or her child to use the multi-stall bathrooms available for student use, he or she is encouraged to contact school administration to discuss alternatives available for all students.

    Q.  Can a student of any biological gender use whatever bathroom or locker room they choose on any given day?
    A.  No. Students are expected to use the restroom or locker room that matches their biological gender unless they are a transgender student who has met with school administration about using the bathroom or locker room of their gender expression as allowed for by law.  A process is in place through which we work closely with individual transgender students to identify an environment in which they are comfortable. Often, what our students feel comfortable with is a private bathroom or changing area such as the nurse’s office or single-person bathrooms, or a supervised, secluded section of a locker room or changing area.  We have found that transgender students in the District have been equally desiring of privacy and confidentiality as every other student on our campuses.  In every instance that we have experienced to this point, we have found mutually satisfactory solutions that respect the privacy of both our non-transgender and transgender students.

    Q. Can I opt my student out of secondary physical education?
    A. To meet graduation requirements, Clovis Unified requires students to participate in physical education classes throughout grades 7-12.  Additionally, the state requires that all students participate in certain physical education curriculum (such as swimming) at certain points in their educational career. While students cannot opt out of physical education for non-medical reasons, parents can speak with school site administration to request alternative changing facilities for their child.

    Q. Are students required to use locker room showers after secondary (grades 7-12) physical education classes?
    A. No. Students in Clovis Unified are not required to shower following physical education classes.

    If you have other questions about this topic, please contact your child’s school principal or the District Office.

  • Where can I lean more about the air quality in Clovis and the San Joaquin Valley?

  • Who should I contact if my child is absent from school?

    Reporting an Absence: Please contact your child’s school directly to report an absence. Please consult our directory of schools for direct phone numbers.

    What school is the ‘best’ school in the district for my child to attend?

    In Clovis Unified School District we pride ourselves on offering the same high quality teachers and programs, clean and safe facilities, and accountability standards at each of our schools. With the strong belief that students are best-served by a neighborhood school, CUSD does not have charter or magnet schools but encourages students to attend the school closest to their home. Each of our principals has been given strong site-based authority by the Governing Board to make decisions based on what is best for their school community. This means that individual schools in CUSD have unique personalities, all their own. Before buying a home within the boundaries of a particular school based only on the numbers, we encourage you to visit several campuses. Talk with the school’s principal or guidance instructional specialist about how the site is administered to find the school that best suits the needs of your child and your family.

    Can my child attend a CUSD school other than my neighborhood school?

    The Clovis Unified District recognizes that pupils and families have unique needs deserving special consideration. Therefore, procedures have been established providing for the attendance needs of students and families, which supersede the school selection determined by the residence of the pupil. The Governing Board has established several policies that outline the criteria used for determining approval of requests and established a deadline of the school year preceding desired attendance to submit intra-district transfer requests. Governing Board Policies 2202, “Pupil Residence” and 2208, “Open Enrollment within the district.” The Student Services and School Attendance Office, 559.327.9200, can also answer questions regarding intra-district transfers.

    Do Clovis Unified schools operate on a year-round or traditional schedule?

    Clovis Unified School District uses a traditional school year calendar for all of our schools. The school year begins in late August or early September and ends at the beginning of June. Schools are closed during a two-week winter break and a one-week spring break. CUSD also observes seven legal holidays during the school year. Complete calendars are available by clicking here.

    How do I register my child for school?

    During the school year, registration for new students is held weekdays at school sites from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. From July 1 through mid-August new students can register at the district’s Student Services and School Attendance Office (559.327.9200). Kindergarten students entering a California public school for the first time must be age 5 on or before December 2. At the time of registration, the following documents are required for all students. 1) A birth certificate or other birth record, such as a baptismal certificate. 2) The child’s social security card or number. 3) Proof of residence, such as a PG&E bill, escrow instructions, renter’s agreement, or mortgage statement. 4) California immunization record with evidence of up-to-date Polio, DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis), and MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). The hepatitis B series (a series of three shots) is now required for students entering kindergarten and seventh grade. A second MMR (first MMR should have been administered after child’s first birthday) is also required for all students entering the seventh grade. As of July 1, 2001, all children entering kindergarten are required to have the Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine. A TD (Tetanus-Diphtheria) booster is strongly recommended if it has been five years or longer since the child’s last dose. 5) Evidence of Mantoux intra-dermal skin test (tuberculosis screening). For your convenience, Clovis Unified School District, in cooperation with the State Department of Health and the Fresno County Health Services Agency, offers free immunizations during the school year. For more information on clinic locations, call CUSD’s Nursing Services Department at 559.327.9466. Learn more about enrollment here.

    If I live outside of Clovis Unified’s attendance boundaries, can my child attend a CUSD school?

    Our Governing Board has established two policies to accommodate parents or guardians wishing to enroll their child in a CUSD school, even though they reside outside of the district’s attendance boundaries. Policies 2209 “District of choice and inter-district transfers,” and 2210 “Inter-district transfers during the school year,” provide clear guidelines that must be met prior to an inter-district transfer request being approved. No inter-district transfer student will be placed in a school of choice unless all pupils residing within the school’s attendance boundaries have first been accommodated. Copies of policies 2209 and 2210 are available in the District’s Policy Center, or by calling the Student Services and School Attendance Office at 559.327.9200. As required by California Education Code 48204(f), if CUSD has space available, a student (in grades k-12) living outside the boundaries of CUSD has the right to attend school in CUSD if the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are employed anywhere within the boundaries of CUSD. Once a student is admitted into CUSD under this state law, the child will be considered a resident of CUSD with said residency valid through grade 12, as long as the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) remain employed anywhere within the boundaries of CUSD.

  • Does the Clovis Unified School District offer after school childcare?

    In response to many families’ need for after school childcare, CUSD created the Expanded Learning Club (ELC), a low-cost before and after school enrichment program. ELC provides a quality, extended-hours program for school-age children at a number of school sites around the district. Program staffs work closely with schools to create an enrichment program that acts as an extension of a child’s educational experience. Monthly fees are based on the hours enrolled, times the number of days in the month, times an hourly rate. When the district implemented 90-minute Elementary Early Release days every Wednesday, the Stay-and-Play program was created to assist parents with additional after school care. Stay-and-Play is a recreational program operating out of numerous school sites in the district. Hourly fees also apply for this program. For additional information, call the district’s Child Development office at 559.327.9160 or visit the Expanded Learning Club website.

  • Who can I contact for help with resolving with school or program concerns and complaints?​​​​​​​
    Clovis Unified School District empowers its school leadership with the ability to make site-based management decisions. The District also recognizes that each of its schools has its own unique campus culture and climate. While all Clovis Unified Schools are held to the same high standard of service to our students, school leaders are encouraged to make individual decisions that best meet the needs of their school community.

    As leaders of their own campus, your school site principal should be your first stop when you have a concern about your child’s educational experience. If your first efforts to address a problem with your child’s teacher, coach or advisor are unsuccessful, please contact your child’s counselor or learning director at the intermediate and high school level, or the school principal at the elementary level to seek assistance.

    You should expect that your school site contacts will treat your concern with an appropriate level of seriousness, and make every effort to reasonably respond to the issue you raise. If your school site administrators are unable to resolve your concern, you should next contact the District’s Assistant Superintendent of your child’s school area. Clovis Unified schools are organized into five areas based on the high school attendance boundary. Any of the five Assistant Superintendents can be reached by calling the Clovis Unified District Office at 559-327-9000.

    If you are still unsatisfied with the solutions offered by the Assistant Superintendent of your school area, further assistance can be sought from the Associate Superintendent of School Leadership, also available through the District Office; and ultimately from the Superintendent if all previous efforts have failed to provide you with the outcome you believe necessary.

    The Board recognizes that the District has primary responsibility for ensuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs.

    The District shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of ancestry, ethnic group identitification, national origin, religion, age, gender, actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, color, race or physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, in any program or activity conducted by the District, which is funded directly by, or that receives or benefits from any state financial assistance.

    If you have a concern about possible discrimination related to the District contact:

    Uniform Complaint
    Norm Anderson
    1450 Herndon Ave.
    Clovis, CA 93611

    Title 2 (Americans with Disabilities Act)
    Chris Petty
    1450 Herndon Ave.
    Clovis, CA 93611

    Title 9 (Gender Equity)
    Steve France
    1450 Herndon Ave.
    Clovis, CA 93611

    Section 504 (Temporary Disabilities)
    Wendy Karsevar
    1450 Herndon Ave.
    Clovis, CA 93611

    Other complaint processes are available through accessing one of the following Board Policies:

    Board Policy 9207: Regarding District personnel and practices.

    Board Policy 9211: Regarding instructional materials, facilities, teacher vacancies or mis-assignments.

    Board Policy 9208: Complaints about state and federal educational programs including: Adult Basic Education; Consolidated Categorical Aid Programs; Migrant Education; Career Technical and Technical Education and Career Technical Training Programs; Child Care and Development Programs; Child Nutrition Programs; Special Education Programs; Federal School Safety Plan Requirements; unlawful discrimination on the basis of ancestry, ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, gender, actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, color, race, or physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, in any program or activity conducted by the District, which is funded directly by, or that receives or benefits from any state financial assistance. This complaint process is further outlined on the District’s Uniform Complaint Procedures Guide. 

  • I have questions about fundraisers and student fees. Where can I go for more information?

  • Do Clovis Unified schools have a dress code or uniform requirement?
    We believe that attention to appearance and a student’s attitude toward self and school are related. Good grooming and appropriateness of attire are a part of learning for both boys and girls. However, we recognize that a student’s mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of their personal style and individual preference. Therefore, while CUSD does enforce a detailed dress code policy, we do not require students to wear uniforms. Governing Board Policy 2105, “Dress and grooming,” along with its corresponding Administrative Regulation, provides clear guidelines for appropriate dress and grooming for students grades K-12. More information about the dress code and copies of Board Policy 2105 available by visiting our Policy Center or by calling the Governing Board secretary at 559.327.9105.

  • What extra-curricular and sports programs are available to students in the district?
    Our motto, “Be the best you can be in mind, body and spirit,” places a priority on helping students become well-rounded individuals. To develop the mind, we hire only the best teachers, and offer high-quality curriculum and visual and performing arts programs. To develop the spirit, we have implemented the CHARACTER COUNTS! program at all of our schools and encourage students to participate in activities that teach them to win with grace and lose with dignity. To develop the body we offer 23 different sports teams at the high school level, 31 at the intermediate level and 12 at the elementary level. The district also operates year-round self-supporting club programs including gymnastics, dance, swimming, water polo, volleyball and others. Our elementary, intermediate and high schools offer a number of academic and athletic clubs, performing arts and sports to all students. In addition, we offer a full music and drama program, including band and choir, that begins at the elementary level. In Clovis Unified, your child will be encouraged to take part in the many varied activities offered our students.

  • How safe are your schools?
    Today’s parents expect a safe community for their children, as well a safe learning environment at school. Ensuring a safe and positive learning environment where CHARACTER COUNTS! is one of the primary goals established by our Governing Board.  In Clovis Unified, you will find a strong focus on preventative education designed to equip students with the tools to become good citizens on campus and in their community. A few of the programs offered in the district include a Student Drug Prevention Council, an active DARE program operated in conjunction with the local police department, and peer counseling classes at many of our high school, intermediate and elementary campuses. In addition, district administration enforces a strict zero tolerance policy and maintains a police department – one of only 14 school police forces in the state. For additional information about school safety, call the Police Services office at 559.327.9200, or log onto the California Department of Education’s Safe Schools website at CDE Website