ESSA Federal Addendum to the LCAP

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Federal Addendum Template

 LEA name:

Clovis Unified School District

CDS code:


Link to the LCAP:

For which ESSA programs will your LEA apply?

Choose from:


Improving Basic Programs Operated by
State and Local Educational Agencies


Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk


Supporting Effective Instruction


Language Instruction for English Learners
and Immigrant Students


Student Support and Academic
Enrichment Grants

(NOTE: This list only includes ESSA programs with LEA plan requirements; not all ESSA programs.)

The LCAP Federal Addendum is meant to supplement the LCAP to ensure that eligible LEAs have the opportunity to meet the Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan provisions of the ESSA.

The LCAP Federal Addendum Template must be completed and submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) to apply for ESSA funding. LEAs are encouraged to review the LCAP Federal Addendum annually with their LCAP, as ESSA funding should be considered in yearly strategic planning.

The LEA must address the Strategy and Alignment prompts provided on the following page. 

Each provision for each program must be addressed, unless the provision is not applicable to the LEA.

In addressing these provisions, LEAs must provide a narrative that addresses the provision within the LCAP Federal Addendum Template.

Under State Priority Alignment, state priority numbers are provided to demonstrate where an ESSA provision aligns with state priorities. This is meant to assist LEAs in determining where ESSA provisions may already be addressed in the LEA’s LCAP, as it demonstrates the LEA’s efforts to support the state priorities.

The CDE emphasizes that the LCAP Federal Addendum should not drive LCAP development. ESSA funds are supplemental to state funds, just as the LCAP Federal Addendum supplements your LCAP. LEAs are encouraged to integrate their ESSA funds into their LCAP development as much as possible to promote strategic planning of all resources; however, this is not a requirement. In reviewing the LCAP Federal Addendum, staff will evaluate the LEA’s responses to the ESSA plan provisions. There is no standard length for the responses. LEAs will be asked to clarify insufficient responses during the review process.

California’s ESSA State Plan significantly shifts the state’s approach to the utilization of federal resources in support of underserved student groups. This LCAP Federal Addendum provides LEAs with the opportunity to document their approach to maximizing the impact of federal investments in support of underserved students.

The implementation of ESSA in California presents an opportunity for LEAs to innovate with their federally-funded programs and align them with the priority goals they are realizing under the state’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). 

LCFF provides LEAs flexibility to design programs and provide services that meet the needs of students in order to achieve readiness for college, career, and lifelong learning. The LCAP planning process supports continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.

Please respond to the prompts below, and in the pages that follow, to describe the LEA’s plan for making the best use of federal ESEA resources in alignment with other federal, state, and local programs as described in the LEA’s LCAP.


Explain the LEA’s strategy for using federal funds to supplement and enhance local priorities or initiatives funded with state funds, as reflected in the LEA’s LCAP. This shall include describing the rationale/evidence for the selected use(s) of federal funds within the context of the LEA’s broader strategy reflected in the LCAP.

Effective schools and districts coordinate and integrate programs and services by drawing on a wide range of resources such as funding, human, organizational, and facility. Schoolwide program campuses are expected to use the flexibility available to them to coordinate and integrate services and programs with the aim of upgrading the entire educational program and maximize student achievement. In CUSD, each school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) describes the school’s basic educational program and the categorical supplementary programs/services that are designed to support student achievement of each and every student.  Parental involvement is a necessary and vital part of developing the SPSA as well as our overall program.  At the district level, parent committees provide input into each of the site’s SPSA and to the District’s Local Control Agency Plan (LCAP) and Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP).

Parent committees are comprised of administration, staff and parents. Students are also involved at the intermediate and secondary level.

General District funds provide support for the District’s base/core curriculum program.  Some children have special characteristics, not reflective of the general school population, that affect their success in the base/core programs.  Some come from economically disadvantaged homes; some are educationally disadvantaged or lack English language proficiency because they have a primary language other than English.  Children, such as those described above, require supplemental services and materials not generally provided through the base/core curriculum program.  The needs of our children are identified and supplemental services and materials are planned and targeted to meet their special needs. Categorical funds are to be used to provide the financial support to meet these special needs.

State and local funds are used in the coordination of federal funds.  This affords CUSD to operate in a more efficient and effective manner when serving the entire learning community.  CUSD reviews and revises the CUSD LCAP annually that works to better align the academic plan with the district expenditure plan that is approved by our CUSD Governing Board each June. Parents and other stakeholder groups are invited to participate in the development of the LCAP through participation of school and district committee meetings and community forums.  LCAP school, district meetings and Community Forums are exciting opportunities for all stakeholders and school committees to engage with the District and share their ideas on how CUSD can provide quality opportunities and support for CUSD youth and schools. Community participation and feedback in the forums will inform the District LCAP’s funding priorities over the next several years.

These funds are used for the purpose to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.  Federal funds are regularly coordinated with state and local funds.  This purpose can be accomplished by:

(1) ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement;

(2) meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation’s highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Native American children neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;

(3) closing the achievement gap between high and low performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and non-minority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;

(4) holding schools, local educational agencies, and States accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students and identifying and turning around low-performing schools that have failed to provide a high-quality education to their students, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable the students to receive a high-quality education.  

Title I, Part A (Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged): A federal-funded program to provide high-quality opportunities for students in high-poverty schools to meet district and state content and performance standards.

Title I, Part A, Title X, Part C, Education for Homeless Children and Youths: Title I, Part A funds provide comparable services to homeless children that assist them to effectively take advantage of educational opportunities as provided to children in schools funded under Title I, Part A. These comparable services shall be provided to homeless children in public and private schools, shelters and other locations where children may live, institutions for neglected children and, where appropriate, local institutions such as local community day school programs.

Title I, Part C (Migrant Education Program): A federal-funded program focused on providing services for migratory students and their families.

Title II, Part A (Preparing, Training and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals): A federal-funded program focused on teacher and principal training and recruitment programs.

Title III (Language Instruction for English learners and Immigrants): A federal-funded program focused on assisting school districts in teaching English to limited English proficient students (English learners) and immigrants and helping these students meet the same challenging State standards required of all other students.

Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment: These funds are intended to increase the capacity to meet goals by providing all students with access to a well-rounded education, improving school conditions for learning and improving the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement of digital literacy of all students.

Title VI (Indian Education Formula Grant): A federal-funded program focused on helping Native American/Alaskan Native students meet the same challenging state standards required of all other students.

Exercising these options maximizes the impact of the resources available to carry out the schoolwide program and avoids duplication of effort through coordinated planning and implementation. The goal of the CUSD staff is to create and maintain the best educational environment possible.


Describe the efforts that the LEA will take to align use of federal funds with activities funded by state and local funds and, as applicable, across different federal grant programs.

State and federally funded initiatives aimed at improving student achievement must complement each other and work in order to have the greatest impact. In California, the state and federal consolidated applications, competitive grants, the state accountability system, the Categorical Program Monitoring process, professional development opportunities, and technical assistance allow for alignment and streamlining.  Not all schools received the same funding sources. Funding is based on student enrollment and program needs and participation requirements. School Site Councils/School Advisory Committees (SSC/SAC) continue to be informed and trained as to the new funding streams, issues of compliance and areas of focus relative to student and school needs.

California Department of Education (CDE) replaced the previous K–12 finance system with a new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Clovis Unified receives base and supplemental funding.  CUSD does not quality for concentration funds.  

As part of the LCFF, CUSD is required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year LCAP to be reviewed, revised and approved by the CUSD Governing Board. The LCAP is an important component of the LCFF. Under the LCFF, all districts are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities. CUSD engages parents, educators, employees and the community when developing the LCAP.

The result of this consolidation is to provide a cohesive, comprehensive, and focused effort for supporting and improving the state’s lowest-performing schools and appropriate reporting mechanisms. CUSD has worked to develop a single, coordinated, and comprehensive plan that describes the educational services for all students that can be used to guide implementation of federal and state-funded programs, the allocation of resources, and reporting requirements. The development of our plan involves a continuous cycle of assessment, parent and community involvement, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Each of CUSD sixteen Title I Schools operate as a Schoolwide Program (SWP). This allows our schools to optimize all of its resources by creating a consolidated approach to serve the learning needs of all students including those from low income families. In working in collaboration with all stakeholders. Our goal to establish an effective Title I Schoolwide Program that reflects the needs of their specific Learning Community. Funds are used to support effective, research-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap between high-and low-performing students and enable the students to meet the state's challenging academic standards.

CUSD reviews and analyzes multi data-streams at each site’s Title I Fall Parent Meeting, SSC, ELAC, DELAC and DAC Meetings. Each of our Title I and Non-Title I Schools are committed to promoting excellence and high expectations for all students and work to ensure meaningful involvement in decision-making by students, teachers, parents, and community members. These evaluation reports contain information about the types of personnel and services funded by Title I, participation of students by grade level, student progress toward meeting the state and/or district performance standards, disaggregated data for the various reading, language, and/or math assessments, description of program services, parent involvement information, and recommendations. The parent surveys and evaluations are shared with staff, community members and district departments. The results, recommendations and parent feedback are presented and reviewed at the School Assessment and Review Parent Team (SART), Annual Title I Parent Meetings, SSC, SAC, ELAC DELAC and DAC Meetings. The data is used in the development of the District’s LEAP, Title III Reports and Plans, SPSA and for on-going program evaluation and adjustment.

This coordination of local, state and federal funding as well as any and all grants is designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

Approximately 87% of the District’s budget is allocated to salaries and benefits. The District’s LCAP Actions and Services include all General Fund expenditures. The only exception are budgetary items related to debt service and transfers to facility funds to assist with Co-Curricular facility modernization.

ESSA Provisions Addressed Within the LCAP

Within the LCAP an LEA is required to describe its goals, and the specific actions to achieve those goals, for each of the LCFF state priorities. In an approvable LCAP it will be apparent from the descriptions of the goals, actions, and services how an LEA is acting to address the following ESSA provisions through the aligned LCFF state priorities and/or the state accountability system.


Monitoring Student Progress Towards Meeting Challenging State Academic Standards



1112(b)(1) (A–D)

1, 2, 4, 7, 8 (as applicable)

Describe how the LEA will monitor students’ progress in meeting the

challenging state academic standards by:  (A) developing and implementing a well-rounded program of instruction to meet the academic needs of all students; (B) identifying students who may be at risk for academic failure; (C) providing additional educational assistance to individual students the LEA or school determines need help in meeting the challenging State academic standards; and (D) identifying and implementing instructional and other strategies intended to strengthen academic programs and improve school conditions for student learning.

Overuse in Discipline Practices that Remove Students from the Classroom




6 (as applicable)

will support efforts to reduce the overuse of discipline practices that remove students from the classroom, which may include identifying and supporting schools with high rates of discipline, disaggregated by each of the student groups, as defined in Section 1111(c)(2).

Career Technical and Work-based Opportunities




2, 4, 7 (as applicable)

Integrate: (A) academic and career and technical education content through coordinated instructional strategies, that may incorporate experiential learning opportunities and promote skills attainment important to in-demand occupations or industries in the State; and (B) work-based learning opportunities that provide students in-depth interaction with industry professionals and, if appropriate, academic credit.


Title II, Part A Activities




1, 2, 4 (as applicable)

Provide a description of the activities to be carried out by the LEA under this Section and how these activities will be aligned with challenging State academic standards.


Parent, Family, and Community Engagement




3, 6 (as applicable)

Describe how the eligible entity will promote parent, family, and community engagement in the education of English learners.

ESSA Provisions Addressed in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System

An LEA addresses the following ESSA provision as part of completing annual reporting through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS).


Poverty Criteria





Describe the poverty criteria that will be used to select school attendance areas under Section 1113.

ESSA Provisions Not Addressed in the LCAP

For the majority of LEAs the ESSA provisions on the following pages do not align with state priorities. Each provision for each program provided on the following pages must be addressed, unless the provision is not applicable to the LEA. In addressing these provisions, LEAs must provide a narrative that addresses the provision within this addendum.

As previously stated, the CDE emphasizes that the LCAP Federal Addendum should not drive LCAP development. ESSA funds are supplemental to state funds, just as the LCAP Federal Addendum supplements your LCAP. LEAs are encouraged to integrate their ESSA funds into their LCAP development as much as possible to promote strategic planning of all resources; however, this is not a requirement. In reviewing the LCAP Federal Addendum, staff will evaluate the LEA’s responses to the ESSA plan provisions. There is no standard length for the responses. LEAs will be asked to clarify insufficient responses during the review process.


Educator Equity
Essa Section 1112(b)(2)

Describe how the LEA will identify and address, as required under State plans as described in Section 1111(g)(1)(B), any disparities that result in low-income students and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.


The Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) Human Resource (HR) Department compiled the ineffective, inexperienced, and out of field teacher data for the 2018-19 school year that was used for the teacher equity data analysis.  The 2018-19 CUSD CBEDS report was utilized to compile the percent of minority and low income student information by site that was also used for equity data analysis.

Elementary Data Analysis:

CUSD had 0% ineffective teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by out of field teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by out of field teachers

Intermediate Data Analysis:

CUSD had 0% ineffective teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by out of field teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by out of field teachers

High School Data Analysis:

CUSD had 0% ineffective teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is not a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by inexperienced teachers

There is a disproportionate number of minority students who are being taught by out of field teachers

There is a disproportionate number of low income students who are being taught by out of field teachers

Aim III of the CUSD Strategic Plan is to hire, develop, sustain, and value a high quality workforce.  The district will provide a collaborative learning and working environment that effectively recruits, trains and retains an exceptional workforce that reflects the diversity of our community and fosters the culture and traditions of CUSD.  The district strategic plan is reviewed annually with stakeholders at meetings throughout the distinct. 

The CUSD HR department, intermediate and high school site administrators will schedule an additional  meeting to discuss why low-income and minority students are being taught at a higher rate than other students by inexperienced and out of field teachers.  The team will complete the equitable access root cause analysis to identify equitable access disparities.  CUSD has a high teacher retention rate, but student enrollment growth and teacher retirements are causing the district to hire additional teachers annually.  CUSD will review research based recruitment strategies and next steps for implementation.  Based on the root cause analysis, HR will attend job fairs in spring of 2020 sponsored by local universities in an effort to hire experienced mathematics, science and special education teachers.  This information was shared with stakeholders at both site level and district meetings.  Feedback gathered from meetings indicating that stakeholders want to ensure that the culture and rich tradition of excellence are maintained when hiring new staff.   Stakeholder feedback also indicated that early hiring might help recruit experienced teachers in the fields of special education, mathematics, and science. The CUSD HR department will also host a local job fair in spring of 2020 in an effort to hire experienced teachers at our high schools to address the disparities that were outlined in the data analysis. 

margin-left:0in'>Parent and Family Engagement
Essa Sections 1112(b)(3) and 1112(b)(7)margin-left:0in'>Describe how the LEA will carry out its responsibility under Section 1111(d). margin-left:0in'>Describe the strategy the LEA will use to implement effective parent and family engagement under Section 1116.


CUSD is committed to establishing a true partnership with all facets of the Clovis Learning Community. CUSD values feedback and input. Parents continue to make positive differences in the lives of the children we all support. We know from research that participation in your child’s education will not only bring success to your child but other children in the school. Our parents truly make a difference in the lives of Clovis kids!

The following is an overview of the school and district committees in CUSD that patriciate in the planning process and provide input throughout the year. CUSD offers a variety of parent involvement opportunities that improve our overall program. Depending on the type of categorical funding a site may receive, district or school parent councils and committees are required under certain requirements and guidelines. Such advisory committees in the CUSD include:

School Site Council (SSC)

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

District Advisory Committee (DAC) and School Advisory Committee (SAC)

District Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

District Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)

School and District level School Assessment Review Team (SART)

Intercultural and Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)

The Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) reviews and distributes the Parent and Family Engagement Policy with families at annual Parent Teacher Conferences each year.  The engagement policy was developed jointly and agreed upon by our parents.  The Parent and Family Engagement Policy has been translated to both Hmong and Spanish to allow parents with limited English proficiency access. 

The district utilizes translation services to accommodate parents with limited English proficiency or who need sign language when providing information and school reports. The Department of Supplemental Services provides each school site with list of staff members who can translate information and school reports with parents with limited English proficiency or who need sign-language support.  Clovis Unified School District will be special accommodations when communicating with parents who have accessibility needs or other special needs which makes correspond with the school difficult.  CUSD provides opportunities, via district migrant services and support,  for the informed participation of parents and family member of migratory children by meeting with parents and family members before students are away from school for an extend period of time and once the students return to school after an extended absence to help parents help their child(ren) overcome educational disruption. 

Philosophically, CUSD subscribes to the believe that; CUSD schools offer students with special needs the same kinds of high quality learning opportunities and access to the core curriculum in all curricular areas. Categorical funds are designed to support additional assistance to help students succeed in the regular classroom program (base/core curriculum) and address any learning gaps. The focus is on the effective utilization of supplementary materials, personnel, and staff development. Staff development activities are used to improve instructional practices and strategies to increase the ability of teachers and other staff to challenge and assist all students to reach their fullest potential.

We encourage all parents and guardians to become involved with their child’s education, at the classroom level, the school-wide level as well as the district level. Each school’s SPSA describes the school’s basic educational program and the categorical supplementary programs/services that are designed to support student achievement of each and every student. Parental involvement is a necessary and vital part of developing the SPSA as well as our overall program. At the district level, parent committees provide input into each of the site’s SPSA and to the LEAP.

True to CUSD’s Mission, the CUSD Parent Academy educates parents on how to foster a positive educational environment and school partnership for their children both at home and at school. The CUSD Parent Academy, offers a series of monthly modules free to parents. The CUSD Parent Academy covers several themes, including: the importance for parents to become involved in their children’s education; effective strategies for parent involvement; social emotional well-being, the role of the parent and of the teacher in influencing student performance; parent-teacher interaction and conferences; college readiness and expectations and the design of a parent involvement action plan by teachers and administrators. These academies are available to all parents in CUSD. Dinner is provided and child care is also available for our children.

The CUSD Parent Academy for Literacy is designed to create a bridge between home and school and into post-secondary education. Parents learn about how grades are used for college admittance; what classes are important and needed for children planning to attend college; how to navigate the school system, and other information vital to academic success of their children. The CUSD Parent Academy for Literacy provides strategies to support, advocate and empower parents to engage fully in the educational lives of their children. This provides an opportunity for our parents is designed to increase their knowledge base of comprehensive K-12 college and career readiness activities and lessons.

margin-left:0in'>Schoolwide Programs, Targeted Support Programs, and Programs for Neglected or Delinquent Children
Essa Sections 1112(b)(5) and 1112(b)(9)margin-left:0in'>Describe, in general, the nature of the programs to be conducted by the LEA’s schools under sections 1114 and 1115 and, where appropriate, educational services outside such schools for children living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children, and for neglected and delinquent children in community day school programs.margin-left:0in'>Describe how teachers and school leaders, in consultation with parents, administrators, paraprofessionals, and specialized instructional support personnel, in schools operating a targeted assistance school program under Section 1115, will identify the eligible children most in need of services under this part.


SWP:  Clovis Unified School District consolidates and use funds under Title 1, Part A School Allocation, together with other Federal, State, and local funds, in order to upgrade the entire educational program of a school that serves an eligible students.  Money is allocated and distributed to schools based on the low income percentage that is reported in the CUSD Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS).

Clovis Unified Title One sites carefully analyze student achievement data and complete a comprehensive needs assessment which includes the achievement of students in relation to the state standards.  The district and sites utilize school wide reform strategies that provide opportunities for all children to meet the State's proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement.  The sites and district utilizes effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research to strengthen the core academic program in the school; provide before- and after-school and summer programs and opportunities, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; to meet the educational needs of historically underserved population.  Strategies include:  Counseling and mentoring services, developing a comprehensive plan to determine if student needs are being met, and ensuring instruction is occurring by highly qualified teachers.


Neglected or delinquent:  N/A

margin-left:0in'>Homeless Children and Youth Services
Essa Section 1112(b)(6) margin-left:0in'>Describe the services the LEA will provide homeless children and youths, including services provided with funds reserved under Section 1113(c)(3)(A), to support the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youths, in coordination with the services the LEA is providing under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 United States Code 11301 et seq.).


SWP:  Describe SWP here, if SWP does not exist type "N/A"

TAS:  Describe TAS program here, if TAS program does not exist type "N/A"

Neglected or delinquent: Describe the educational services for neglected or delinquent children, if a Title I, Part A neglected or delinquent reservation does not exist type "N/A"

There are many challenges with homeless students in the area of enrollment, school attendance, and educational success.

CUSD has a coordinated support system for students identified as homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act. In our community, many of our families do not want others to know that they are struggling because they feel ashamed. Our staff has been trained in the subtle and not so subtle signs of homelessness, the culture of homelessness, and what previous homeless students have identified as what they need in school and from their teachers. If the staff feels there may be a chance that the family is struggling with homelessness, the school site staff contacts Student Services and School Attendance (SSSA). Once notified, the SSSA Homeless Coordinator reaches out to the family and begins to build trust with them. If the SSSA Coordinator determines the family meets McKinney Vento requirements, then the students are registered into the KIT Program, which stands for “Kids In Transition”. The parent and student work with the KIT staff to identify needs, educational concerns, and any social emotional supports needed. If the student is not enrolled in school, the KIT Coordinator helps the student register into the appropriate school, and afterwards, helps them gather educational records and any documents they may need such as birth certificates, immunizations or immunization records, and California Identification Cards. Once students are enrolled, the KIT coordinator communicates with site administrators, school psychologists, special education staff, the transition team and campus catering to begin to apply direct and specialized support.

Once enrollment and registration is completed, SSSA review the needs assessment and applies targeted support. Transportation is a huge need for many of our families. Depending on the situation, SSSA can assist with transportation. In Fresno County, we do not have an agreement with other school districts to share transportation costs, as the districts prefer to provide for the transportation needs of their own students. SSSA supports positive school attendance by monitoring attendance and addressing barriers or challenges to regular school attendance. Attendance Officers are available daily to provide transportation to school if needed and transportation for parents if needed to participate in school related meetings or events.

Addressing other barriers to school attendance is a constant by the SSSA Team. Title I, Part A reservation funds are utilized to break down barriers and provide for any needs that support school engagement, academic success, or physical and social emotional health. KIT students are often times in needs of basic school supplies, clothing, hygiene products, laundry soap and facilities. In addition, there is support for academic needs. Depending on the situation, SSSA can support the students’ needs.

CUSD operates its own medical clinic and through the clinic and our school site nursing team, our KIT students are able to get help signing up for Medi-Cal and getting medical treatment as needed. These services include immunizations, physicals, hearing and vision tests, treatment for various medical issues, and referrals to other medical professionals for specialty services. CUSD also offers on site mental health supports through a partnership with Comprehensive Youth Services that KIT students can access.

Helping families with housing is the most difficult challenge we have. SSSA is able to assist families with referrals to community agencies and local shelters. Our school transition teams help to support the parents through this process by helping them at our community resource centers located throughout our district. The community resource centers are able to help parents with job searches, resumes, housing, ordering documents, and information to help with a GED.  SSSA works with academic counselors and community partners to help KIT students and their families. SSSA belongs to a county collaborative, which brings together local shelters, Department of Mental Health, city governments, Department of Social Services, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, local community colleges, and California State University, Fresno to help support the homeless and bring solutions to their situation.  CUSD “Healthy Start Collaborative” is a large group of community organizations that work towards providing services to the community.  The collaborative includes organizations such as substance abuse treatment providers, mental health providers, ethnic specific support organizations, charity organizations, and faith-based groups. SSSA belongs to the collaborative and has networked with community organizations that can provided resources for our homeless students and their families.

Student Transitions
Essa Sections 1112(b)(8) and 1112(b)(10) (A–B)

Describe, if applicable, how the LEA will support, coordinate, and integrate services provided under this part with early childhood education programs at the LEA or individual school level, including plans for the transition of participants in such programs to local elementary school programs.

Describe, if applicable, how the LEA will implement strategies to facilitate effective transitions for students from middle grades to high school and from high school to postsecondary education including:

(A)    through coordination with institutions of higher education, employers, and other local partners; and

(B)    through increased student access to early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities, or career counseling to identify student interests and skills.


CUSD prides itself on providing a seamless transition from preschool to Kindergarten. All Stakeholders collaborate in this important process; including kindergarten and preschool teachers, school site and Child Development administration and parents/guardians. Preschool children make the transition into kindergarten more successfully when their schools and families prepare for it together, and when their preschool and kindergarten teachers connect.

Every stakeholder plays a role in ensuring a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten. Having preschoolers enrolled at the school site and integrated in the school site’s population, creates a foundational connection to the school site culture and community. Preschool families are invited to participate in school community events, helping forge connections with school administrators, staff, and school culture and processes.

Aligning preschool and kindergarten practices, standards, curricula, and assessments is an important element for promoting successful transitions. Preschool and Kindergarten teachers collaboratively designed the CUSD Pre-Kindergarten Assessment. The district assessment was created to provide academic alignment from preschool to kindergarten. Data is collected so that teachers know the skills of their incoming students. The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) data is also shared with kindergarten teachers to provide information on all foundations that students have mastered. The DRDP assessment is also used in TK classrooms to bridge the continuum of early learning foundations. This alignment allows teachers to better support children in continuing to expand their foundational knowledge and skills. Aligned assessments allow kindergarten teachers to see where children’s current skills are in relation to what will be taught in order to better target instruction at the beginning of the year.

Familiar environments support a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten. Most preschool classrooms share outdoor space, playgrounds, cafeteria, library and other common areas at the school site. Using and familiarizing students with these areas relieves the stress of unfamiliar environments when transitioning to kindergarten. Familiar environments, routines, school rules, staff, and culture can ease children’s anxieties about entering a new environment. Having preschool and kindergarten at the same school site for families and children provides an additional layer of familiarity and comfort for the entire family.

CUSD promotes a collaborative approach to transitioning that involves all stakeholders. Fall Articulation meetings are held between Child Development/Preschool Administrators and School Site Administrators. New teachers/staff are introduced and welcomed into the school site staff team. Staff members form connections and are afforded greater opportunities to collaborate and plan. Staff members are welcomed members of Student Study Teams, 504 Meetings, IEP meetings, Intervention Teams, and other site staff educational teams. Teamwork and planning opportunities are afforded throughout the year, thus benefiting preschoolers with all site means of support for success.

In the spring preschool families are invited to attend preschool to kindergarten transition workshop with a focus on the seamless transition to kindergarten. Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten teachers along with the school registrar are presenters. The following topics are discussed/presented: Site procedures for registration; required documentation for registration; Kindergarten readiness packets; school culture/events and opportunities for school and community involvement. Kindergarten teachers talk about expectations, school schedules, daily schedule and helpful actions parents can take to support a smooth transition to kindergarten.

An articulation meeting is held between the preschool teachers and kindergarten teachers. The articulation meeting is typically scheduled after the spring parent conferences occur. The agenda may include the following topics: Determining the number of kindergarten enrollment; determining the number of Transitional kindergarten enrollment, Pre-K Assessment results; DRDP parent summary results; Developmental Check Sheet; Management strategies; recommendations for class placement, parent needs, and providing extra resources to meet supportive needs for student success. CUSD takes every measure possible to ensure that smooth, clear transitions regarding education take place each year beginning in the 6th grade. Even at this early age, CUSD Counselors visit the elementary classrooms and touch on the importance of doing well in school, taking AP classes, registration, NCAA and sports, activities, financial aid and scholarships, A-G requirement and college admission, CTE pathways, CART, course placement, and other things that are helpful in student success in high school. Individual Transition meetings are held for students.

Transition from Middle School to High School in CUSD is unique, because two of our high schools are physically connected to the Middle School. This in itself creates an almost seamless transition for the students and parents. Our other high schools also do a good job connecting with their feeder middle school. Before 8th grade is complete, the High School Counselors hold an 8th grade parent night to educate parents about high school expectations, graduation requirements, honors Programs), write letters of recommendation, communicate with teachers and parents, provide support and access during this trying time, and monitor academic progress. In the Senior year, students who plan to attend a 4-year college, have to complete many things in addition to their rigorous course load. Counselors make sure students and their parents are aware of those deadlines: SAT, ACT, FAFSA, College Application deadlines, Scholarship deadlines, college visitations, etc. Students planning to attend a Community College also have deadlines. Counselors make sure that students transitioning from high school to whatever they want to do after high school, have a plan in place to accomplish that goal.

In the high school years thereafter, Counselors will meet with their students on an annual basis to discuss their progress. Students in the 9th grade create a 4-year plan for themselves. That plan is reviewed and revised each year. Parents are also updated on an annual basis with meetings that focus on the relevant issues of the school year. Students in high school that are struggling with academics or social/emotional issues are dealt with appropriately. Parents are always kept in the loop and often invited to come in for an individual meeting. Counselors work closely with the school psychologist and parents when students seem to be overcome with issues that are impeding their school progress. Counselors play and integral part in IEP meetings as well as 504 meetings with students in these plans. Coordination and communication with teachers is imperative so they can all work as a team for the student. The ultimate goal is for students to complete those requirements for graduation and many plans and supports are put into place for these students. Most 6th graders in our district take a tour of the Middle School facility before the end of the year. During the registration process, Counselors meet with students individually, explaining courses they will be taking in 7th grade. Careful consideration is made for math placement and other classes, in order that the student begins the 7th grade year at the appropriate level. Parent meetings are also facilitated by the Counseling Staff. to help them understand what is involved in the transition to Middle School.

The senior year is especially important. To assist with the transition for students to their post-secondary plan --- counselors work constantly to make sure they are on track, enlist the help of College Admission representatives, follow up with FAFSA completion, encourage all seniors to complete at least one (1) college application (Community College has many Career Certification and good choices and decisions. Career and college possibilities as well as other post-secondary options and discussed at that time and are also explored through a program called Career Cruising.

In general, CUSD Counselors guide them through the many facets of high school, act as their advocate, and assist them with their academic, career, and social/emotional needs. Counselors work in tandem with Administrators, ensuring that there is good communication regarding our students’ needs. It is our goal, from the very beginning, that every student receive all opportunities to graduate from high school and also have a post-secondary plan in place. In the day-to-day operation of a Guidance Counselor, along with partners in the high school, they work with many community partners who are all instrumental in providing ease of transition for students toward the goal of graduation. Some of those include:

1) College Admissions Officers (especially Fresno State and Fresno Pacific), who help with the navigation of the college admission process. Each college seems to have different requirements.

2) Community College Counselors, who come to the high school and work with students on their applications, registration, and questions.,

3) California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), where they can access reports about FAFSA completion,

4) College Board, who assists with implementation of SAT and PSAT tests,

5) Military, for students who may think they are interested in joining,

6) Fresno County Office of Education, where counselors learn about the new California Dashboard. A newly formed committee devoted to counselors across the county has been developed.

7) Social Service organizations, to help students with emotional needs and counselors with referrals

8) Career Cruising (newly named Xello), a College/Career Exploration program

Additional Information Regarding Use of Funds Under this Part
Essa Section 1112(b)(13) (A–B)

Provide any other information on how the LEA proposes to use funds to meet the purposes of this part, and that the LEA determines appropriate to provide, which may include how the LEA will:

(A) assist schools in identifying and serving gifted and talented students; and

(B) assist schools in developing effective school library programs to provide students an opportunity to develop digital literacy skills and improve academic achievement.


The CUSD GATE program is designed to provide differentiated instruction and extended learning opportunities for students who have demonstrated exceptional abilities. The educational needs of these students with respect to increased depth and complexity in the academic core curriculum may not be fully met without modifications of the regular education program.

Furthermore, Clovis Unified is committed to increasing the participation of traditionally underrepresented students, learning and physically disabled, limited English speaking, culturally different, and disadvantaged populations. Students may be certified for the gifted program by satisfying required criteria in one of five categories; Intellectually Gifted, High Achievement, Specific Academic Achievement, Leadership, and Special Circumstance (e.g., EL, underrepresented, culturally disadvantaged). Leadership and Special Circumstance certification is based on a portfolio assessment process.

Every school in CUSD has a GATE program and a teacher on the faculty who serves as the Site GATE Coordinator. Communication with parents and community members is facilitated by each school’s website, school newsletters and a District published brochure. The specific plan for delivering GATE instruction to students is determined at the site level. Schools submit a yearly site plan of instruction to the District Office. The specific curriculum and activities pursuant to enhancing the academic core curriculum and the methods for delivery are delineated in the site plans. The academic component of the GATE program is focused on the California State Standards.

Models for providing gifted and talented education used in Clovis Unified schools.

Elementary Grades 1-3 Exceptionally Capable Learners (ECL)

Although students are not officially certified as GATE until they are in the fourth grade, Clovis Unified has a program for primary students at most elementary schools called Exceptionally Capable Learners (ECL) which serves students in grades 1-3. The ECL program is intended to provide enrichment/extended learning to the highest achieving primary students; those who are most in need and will benefit most from extended learning and enrichment opportunities. Setting specific criteria for identifying students is a site decision. However, the criteria must identify for participation a minimum of the top two percent (2%) to no more than the top ten percent (10%) of the eligible population based on academic achievement in reading/language arts and mathematics. The criterion used for students qualifying in the ECL Program is a school decision. Schools are to determine schedules, placement, who qualifies, grade level participation and program.

Elementary Grades 1-3 Exceptionally Capable Learners (ECL)

Although students are not officially certified as GATE until they are in the fourth grade, Clovis Unified has a program for primary students at most elementary schools called Exceptionally Capable Learners (ECL) which serves students in grades 1-3. The ECL program is intended to provide enrichment/extended learning to the highest achieving primary students; those who are most in need and will benefit most from extended learning and enrichment opportunities. Setting specific criteria for identifying students is a site decision. However, the criteria must identify for participation a minimum of the top two percent (2%) to no more than the top ten percent (10%) of the eligible population based on academic achievement in reading/language arts and mathematics. The criterion used for students qualifying in the ECL Program is a school decision. Schools are to determine schedules, placement, who qualifies, grade level participation and program.

Elementary Grades 4-6

Differentiating classroom instruction in the academic subjects is fundamental to the school’s plan to address the needs of its GATE students. One of the important functions of the Site GATE Coordinator is to serve as a resource and mentor to classroom teachers in support of their efforts to differentiate their instruction.

Typical models for differentiating curriculum include

Curriculum Compacting


Learning Contracts

Vertical Acceleration

Concept Based Teaching, and others

The primary goal in differentiating instruction for students is to develop appropriate depth and complexity while providing opportunities for inquiry, self-directed learning, discussion, research skills and creative problem solving.


Description of Program
Essa Section 1423(1)

margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of the program to be assisted [by Title I, Part D].


margin-left:0in'>Formal Agreements
Essa Section 1423(2)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of formal agreements, regarding the program to be assisted, between the 

(A) LEA; and

(B) correctional facilities and alternative school programs serving children and youth involved with the juvenile justice system, including such facilities operated by the Secretary of the Interior and Indian tribes.


Comparable Education Program
Essa Section 1423(3)

margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of how participating schools will coordinate with facilities working with delinquent children and youth to ensure that such children and youth are participating in an education program comparable to one operating in the local school such youth would attend.


margin-left:0in'>Successful Transitions
Essa Section 1423(4)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of the program operated by participating schools to facilitate the successful transition of children and youth returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, the types of services that such schools will provide such children and youth and other at-risk children and youth.


margin-left:0in'>Educational Needs
Essa Section 1423(5)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of the characteristics (including learning difficulties, substance abuse problems, and other special needs) of the children and youth who will be returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, other at-risk children and youth expected to be served by the program, and a description of how the school will coordinate existing educational programs to meet the unique educational needs of such children and youth.


Social, Health, and Other Services
Essa Section 1423(6)

margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of how schools will coordinate with existing social, health, and other services to meet the needs of students returning from correctional facilities, at-risk children or youth, and other participating children or youth, including prenatal health care and nutrition services related to the health of the parent and the child or youth, parenting and child development classes, child care, targeted reentry and outreach programs, referrals to community resources, and scheduling flexibility.


margin-left:0in'>Postsecondary and Workforce Partnerships
Essa Section 1423(7)margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of any partnerships with institutions of higher education or local businesses to facilitate postsecondary and workforce success for children and youth returning from correctional facilities, such as through participation in credit-bearing coursework while in secondary school, enrollment in postsecondary education, participation in career and technical education programming, and mentoring services for participating students.


margin-left:0in'>Parent and Family Involvement
Essa Section 1423(8)margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of how the program will involve parents and family members in efforts to improve the educational achievement of their children, assist in dropout prevention activities, and prevent the involvement of their children in delinquent activities.


Program Coordination
Essa Section 1423(910)

margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of how the program under this subpart will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local programs, such as programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and career and technical education programs serving at-risk children and youth.margin-left:0in'>Include how the program will be coordinated with programs operated under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and other comparable programs, if applicable.


margin-left:0in'>Probation Officer Coordination
Essa Section 1423(11)margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of how schools will work with probation officers to assist in meeting the needs of children and youth returning from correctional facilities.


margin-left:0in'>Individualized Education Program Awareness
Essa Section 1423(12)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of the efforts participating schools will make to ensure correctional facilities working with children and youth are aware of a child’s or youth’s existing individualized education program.


Alternative Placements
Essa Sections 1423(13)

margin-left:0in'>As appropriate, provide a description of the steps participating schools will take to find alternative placements for children and youth interested in continuing their education but unable to participate in a traditional public school program.



Professional Growth and Improvement
Essa Section 2102(b)(2)(B)

margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of the LEA’s systems of professional growth and improvement, such as induction for teachers, principals, or other school leaders and opportunities for building the capacity of teachers and opportunities to develop meaningful teacher leadership.


The implementation of annual ongoing professional development opportunities is ensured and strategically designed for increased impact through several systems of support. This system of support aligns with the CUSD strategic plan which consists of three aims: 1) maximize achievement for ALL students, 2) operate with increasing efficiency and effectiveness, and 3) hire, develop, sustain, and value a high quality diverse workforce. Each of these aims guide district leadership and teachers. The goal of CUSD it to ensure maximum achievement for ALL student, which is AIM 1 of the district strategic plan. The district provides a high-quality educational system for ALL students focusing on mind, body, and spirit by using engaging instruction, rigorous curriculum and systematic intervention to ensure college and career readiness. Professional development, curriculum, and resources are provided to support and guide administrators and teachers to meet the needs of every student. The goal of Aims 2 and 3 are to ensure continuous learning by promoting a culture of professional learning, mentoring, training, and support for all teachers, principals, learning directors, guidance instructional specialists, teachers on special assignment, and other school leaders.

There are support systems in place for educator instructional improvement to ensure their growth and improvement. These include participation in curriculum design teams, lead facilitators for content areas, textbook adoption pilot teachers, grade level leaders, department chairs, academic district committees, assessment steering committees, Induction Steering Committee, EL Elementary and Secondary PLCs.

Lead teachers assume the responsibility of training their other grade level colleagues or the entire staff on the professional learning from the district training provided.

All teachers have been afforded the opportunity to participate in optional districtwide rollouts in the following content areas: Math, English Language Arts, English Learners, and Next Generation Science Standards. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Internal Coherence, and Visible Learning professional development have also been provided for consecutive years. Another area of training has focused on Cultural Competency which has been provided for both classified and certificated staff and administration. Teachers are utilized to create curriculum and assessments, participate in instructional rounds along with ongoing coaching to positively impact their student learning for all students.

Principals, Deputy Principals, Learning Directors, Guidance Instructional Specialists, and school leadership participate in monthly professional development provided by the Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability Division. These scheduled trainings are based on the Professional Development Needs Assessments, District Initiatives aligned to the CUSD Strategic Plan, and identified areas of focus for each school. School Leadership meetings include Pre-Charge, Charge, and three meetings annually. Topics are determined by the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and other district leadership. Principals participate in activities which develop the necessary instructional leadership skills to help teachers provide all students the opportunity to meet and exceed the state’s academic achievement standards.

Success indicators include the results of the annual Professional Development Needs Assessments, Professional Development evaluations, and focus group feedback. Feedback from various parent and community surveys and parent involvement forums assess the effectiveness of school and district programs.

The CUSD CLASSI Model is also intended to serve both evaluative and diagnostic functions. Component I identifies and monitors annually student achievement indicators for grades K-12. These indicators are aligned with the California State Standards and reflect the district goal of preparing graduates to continue their post-secondary education. Component II establishes standards and ratings for evaluating priorities for school management, community involvement, and co-curricular priorities which are indicative of a comprehensive, well-managed school program. Component III is an assessment of the efficacy of school as an institution. Site administrators submit a district improvement plan for each component of CLASSI called a Principal Grade Level Expectancy (PGLE) with specific needs for professional development for leaders and teachers. The focus areas indicated in the PGLE are prioritized for professional development the next year. The CUSD Induction Program has a well-developed system of professional growth and opportunities to build capacity for all Active Mentors and Participating Teachers. All new Induction Mentors receive initial training in: Adult Learning Theory, California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), California Content Standards (CCS), and an Introduction to Mentoring Tools.

margin-left:0in'>Prioritizing Funding
Essa Section 2102(b)(2)(C)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of how the LEA will prioritize funds to schools served by the agency that are implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities and targeted support and improvement activities under Section 1111(d) and have the highest percentage of children counted under Section 1124(c).


Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) utilizes student achievement data to address the learning needs of all students, including children with disabilities, English learners, and gifted and talented students.   CUSD develops a  rigorous, transparent, and fair evaluation and support system for teachers, principals, or other school leaders that is based in part on evidence of student achievement, which may include student growth; and utilizes multiple measures of educator performance and provide clear, timely, and useful feedback to teachers, principals, or other school leaders.

CUSD has two schools that have been identified for comprehensive support and improvident (CSI): Clovis Community Day Secondary was identified as Low Performing (Received two indicators on the CA Dashboard: Orange for Chronic Absenteeism, Red for Suspension Rate) and Gateway High School for graduation rate (Two year average graduation rate of 60.8%).  CUSD has three school that have been identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI):  Buchanan High School, Students with Disabilities (SWD) red performance indicator for college and career readiness and graduation rate; Clovis West High School (SWD) red performance indicator for graduation rate and suspension rate and Reyburn Intermediate School (SWD) red performance indicator for chronic absenteeism. 

CUSD conducted a professional development needs assessment survey to determine how to allocate and prioritize Title II, part A funding aligned with school and district needs. School site leaders analyzed student achievement and CA School Dashboard data to determine specific professional development site based needs.  The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability (CIA) developed a professional development matrix to train principals, mentors, coaches and both certificated and classified staff. CIA provides high-quality, personalized professional development that is evidence-based for teachers, instructional leadership teams, principals, or other school leaders, that is focused on improving teaching and student learning and achievement, including supporting efforts to train teachers, principals, or other school leaders.

CUSD did a root cause analysis to determine funding that prioritizes CSI and ATSI schools that serve the highest percentage of children.  CIA  works with school sites to determine specific professional development needs after reviewing CA School Dashboard data along with other data streams that provide information that provide areas for continued growth.  CIA prioritizes and tailors professional development reflecting the special needs of both CSI and ATSI schools such as:  Multi-Tiered System of Supports staff training, including an emphasis on social-emotional wellness and the psychological and mental health at CSI and ATSI schools in an effort to improve chronic absenteeism, graduation and suspension rate of our identified students.  They services may include conference attendance, providing additional services and personnel students of greatest need, and additional materials and supplies. 

Upon CSI and ATSI notification from the California Department of Education the Department of Supplemental Services and Assessment met with CSI and ATSI schools to create a plan of action to improve the areas of need identified on the CA School Dashboard. A professional development plan was created that specifically addresses and outlines a comprehensive professional development plan to assist with meeting specific goals that prioritizes funding to schools that have the highest percentage of children compared to other CUSD schools.  Specific professional development funding examples include:  Conference and workshop attendance, providing additional social-emotional and wellness support staff for direct instruction to our highest need students in an effort to improve CA School Dashboard student group indicator performance.  These additional personnel are also specifically trained to deliver specialized services to meet student learning needs.

margin-left:0in'>Data and Ongoing Consultation to Support Continuous Improvement
Essa Section 2102(b)(2)(D)margin-left:0in'>Provide a description of how the LEA will use data and ongoing consultation described in Section 2102(b)(3) to continually update and improve activities supported under this part.


Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) uses ongoing and frequent data in an effort to monitor and continually update and improve activities supported under Title II, Part A. 

CUSD utilizes both Illuminate and Q Zangle data systems to ensure that decision-makers have access to comprehensive, timely, high-quality data for each student group. Each grade level completes quarterly content based formative assessments to help inform decisions and target resource allocations. Ongoing, quarterly, data analysis is utilized to understand students’ and educators’ most pressing needs in an effort to provide insights into site based and district professional development needs. Adjustments are made during data analysis based on performance and in an effort to ensure continuous improvement to monitor progress. 

CUSD uses data and ongoing consultation to continually improve Title II, Part A funded activities. CUSD tracks and measures both short-term and long-term impacts on interventions. Performance monitoring is utilized to see how outcomes compare to identified targets and goals. School site and district leaders discuss assessment results and seek input to improve Title II,Part A funded activities at: monthly faculty meetings, quarterly school site council meetings, quarterly English Learner Advisory meetings, quarterly parent and community School Assessment and Review Team (SART) meetings, LCAP Parent and Community meetings, twice a year at instructional assistant workshops, monthly district department meetings, and annually with the Governing Board. Private and charter school staff are invited to all district professional development.  CUSD administration personally invites diverse parents to help ensure representation for stakeholders from across the district, especially those who work in high-needs schools and in early education, during the development of plans for Title II, Part A funds.  Meetings are held before school, during the school day, and after school in an effort to increase meeting participation and stakeholder needs.  All parents, teachers, classified staff and students in grades 4-12 are invited to participate annually in an electronic survey to seek input and measure the overall effectiveness of Title II, Part A funds. Survey results are shared at both site level and district meetings. Survey results are analyzed to inform future decision making.


Title III Professional Development
Essa Section 3115(c)(2)

Describe how the eligible entity will provide effective professional development to classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.


CUSD provides professional development to its staff in various forums. At the district level, on a monthly basis, site leadership teams including Learning Directors, Guidance Instructional Specialist, Resource Teachers, and EL Coordinators have categorical workshops. During the workshops, the school leadership team and teachers are given the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on the ELA/ELD Framework, ELD Standards, and researched based best practices concerning EL Programs. They also receive professional development on specific strategies to intensify instruction with their English Learners as well as training on assessments and progress monitoring strategies to enhance their site’s EL Program. The leadership team is held accountable to ensure that English Learners are making annual progress and achieving academic standards in English Language Development, English Language Arts, and Mathematics as measured by ELPAC and CAASPP.

The designated ELD teachers from all secondary sites in grades seventh through twelfth meet once a month to discuss effective methods and strategies to strengthen their daily English Language Development instruction. Facilitated by the district’s English Learners Teacher on Special Assignment, as a team they’ve refined their EL program based on a Plan, Do, Study, Act continuous improvement cycle where they’ve conducted researches, visited other school district’s EL Program, attended conferences, and analyzed specific EL data to achieve their goal of reclassifying and maintaining English proficiency for all English Learners. The team has unpacked the ELD standards, dissected the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), aligned the ELD standards to ELA standards, and developed a progress monitoring system for Long Term English Learners. Upcoming goals for the team is to develop an ELD Pacing Guide and write instructional practice questions aligned to ELPAC task types and continue to seek best practices to fine tune each site’s EL program.

At the elementary level, schools will have the opportunity to be involved in a Coaching Model Professional Learning series. Principals, Guidance Instructional Specialist, Resource Teachers, and classroom teachers will meet regularly to receive training on what integrated ELD and designated ELD look and sound like. They then will get the opportunity to take what they’ve learned and implement it in the classroom with guidance and coaching either by the site lead teacher or district teacher on special assignment. As a site team, a strategy focus will be taught in either an integrated or designated ELD instructional block. After each coaching session, the team will meet to debrief on the lesson study and discuss further implementation. Each participating team will have multiple days of professional development and in-class coaching sessions. A culminating activity at the end of the year will serve as a reflection and planning for the following year.  During each semester’s term, instructional assistants including Bilingual Instructional assistants are provided workshops to enhance their knowledge and skills to increase their strategy and practice with English Learners. Instructional assistants will be trained on Growth Mindset, English Language Development, Close Reading, and Math strategies. It’s important to have instructional assistants utilize similar strategies as teachers to amplify their small group instruction. Often, instructional assistants have a unique relationship with English Learners and their families. With a parallel approach, systematically students could progress swiftly.

Through school site’s ELAC and the DELAC, parents are provided information on the district’s assessment and reclassification process. Parents are given the opportunity to review any state released practice tests and discuss ways how parents could help at home. Guest speakers such as teachers, site administrator, or counselors are invited to present pertinent information on students’ success. They are given strategies and tools on how to access district and state information regarding EL programs and how to help their children physically, emotionally, and academically. Through these committees, parent needs and inputs are solicited to help improve the services provided by the schools and district.

Clovis Unified has a partnership with Fresno Center for New Americans and Stone Soup, two community-based organizations that serve English Learner families within the Clovis Unified boundaries. Staff members from the Supplemental Services Department of Clovis Unified have attended several meetings and provided trainings on the district’s school enrollment procedures and Priority 2 of the Local Control and Accountability Plan. We will continue this partnership and will continue to provide services to the community-based organizations as needed to advance our relationships with both our English Learner families and the community.

margin-left:0in'>Enhanced Instructional Opportunities
Essa Sections 3115(e)(1) and 3116margin-left:0in'>Describe how the eligible entity will provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.


The Newcomers Summer Academy has been created for immigrant students who are in grades kindergarten through twelfth. Immigrant students who have been in the United States less than three years qualify to attend this specialized academy with an instructional focus on Part III of the English Language Development Standard; Foundational Literacy Skills. The curriculum Inside the USA at the secondary level and In the USA at the elementary level will provide instruction to develop students’ 1) Concept of Print 2) Phonological Awareness 3) Phonics and Word Recognition and 4) Fluency. Students will also learn about the different resources in an American school that will benefit the students’ academic success. In addition, they will participate in various study trips to reinforce their educational experience. Teachers will be trained with the Language Star instructional methods and strategies, the Newcomer Module of the Blueprints for Effective Leadership and Instruction on English Learners’ Future (B.E.L.I.E.F), and the United States Department of Education’s Newcomer Toolkit. We will define who our newcomers are, as recommended in the B.E.L.I.E.F’s Newcomer Module 6, so we can develop appropriate lessons and create the optimal learning environment to embrace students’ social and academic background.

During the school year, CUSD will implement the “Yes We Can!” program at the school sites to provide additional social and academic support needed for the immigrant students. Tutoring sessions will be available to help with students’ language and homework needs. Simultaneously, parent will be invited to attend an informal ESL class to learn basic English language skills. Technology resource, such as iPads and language software programs will be used to complement the teacher’s instruction for both students and parents.

Immigrant students will be assigned to a Transitions Counselor who will provide additional support to help students navigate the school system. The counselor will have follow up meetings with both the student and parent regularly to assure their success and transition in our school system. Most importantly, they will monitor student progress to make sure they are receiving appropriate services to maintain grade level proficiency and make recommendations to any intervention needed.

margin-left:0in'>Title III Programs and Activities
Essa Section 3116(b)(1)margin-left:0in'>Describe the effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, proposed to be developed, implemented, and administered under the subgrant that will help English learners increase their English language proficiency and meet the challenging State academic standards.


English Learners continue to receive appropriate support in the Structured English Immersion program where daily ELD Instruction is provided by certificated teachers with appropriate EL authorization. The Department of Supplemental Services and Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment continues to support schools by providing guidance for appropriate program placement for English Learners. Student are placed in ELD classes by level of proficiency based on diagnostic ELD assessments. English Learners at the secondary level also follow pathways to ensure access to the content. Primary language support is provided by Bilingual Instructional Aides or BIA’s in schools with EL population. The development of instructional programs at the elementary level reflects a variety of structures specific to the needs of the student and community. Common practices across the district include deployment of ELD instruction, school-wide/grade level specific accelerated Language and ELD blocks. Through the districts accountability model, schools are required to monitor students’ progress toward English Language Proficiency using ELD and benchmark assessments from the adopted curricula. Schools continue to use additional resources and supplemental ELD curriculum including Benchmark, Collections, Inside, and Edge to ensure that EL students develop proficiency in English while learning the content. CUSD has recently adopted the Rigorous Curriculum Design (RCD) model and developed unit of studies aligned to the California State Standards and the California ELD Standards through the RCD process, teacher were able to unpack and prioritize the CCSS organize unit of studies, create engaging learning experiences, and differentiate instructions using specific strategies to support EL students at all levels of language proficiency. The units were carefully designed to align standards, curriculum and assessments. The implementation of the unit of studies in both ELA/ELD and Math allowed teachers to provide a rigorous curriculum to all students.

The implementation of the PLC initiative provided teachers and site leaders the trainings and tools to establish collaboration across grade levels and schools. The recent Data Team trainings enhanced our collaborative culture and provided specific structures for teachers to be highly effective during their PLC meetings. By using data to drive instructions, teachers were able to target and focus instruction to meet the specific needs of all students. The department of Supplemental Services continue to provide instructional strategy trainings to all the paraprofessionals who work directly with our EL students. Site-based professional development continues to be an emphasis in CUSD. Using the annual need assessment survey, site leaders continue to develop relevant and meaningful trainings for teachers during professional development days. The Teachers on Special Assignment (TSA) from Curriculum and Instruction continue to support Title I schools and ELs in areas of need. New teachers in primary grades continue to receive ongoing Early Literacy trainings to improve literacy instruction. All new teachers continue to get professional development through the District Induction Program. Furthermore, support and trainings were provided to teachers regarding the new adopted language arts textbooks. Professional development in math have included online resources, effective strategies to support conceptual understanding and alignment of assessments to the Smarter-Balanced Item Specifications. Secondary ELD teachers also received trainings regarding the new ELD standards and the ELA/ELD framework. Title I schools continue to work with outside consultants to provide trainings and in class coaching to teachers to improve instructional practices for English Learners.

Improving academic achievement for all students continues to be a priority in CUSD. Teachers and administrators continue to engage in collaborative PLC meetings where they focus on data analysis and make appropriate instructional decisions to meet the needs of all learners including immigrant students. Using the MTSS or a Response to Intervention (RTI) model, teachers carefully monitor students’ progress and provide multiple layers of intervention to immigrant and English Learner students. At- risk students including Long Term English Learners and Immigrant students are identified, monitored and provided the following intervention programs across the district: differentiated instruction with small group or one on one in the classroom, targeted instruction by grade level, deployment based on proficiency level, after school intervention program, and opportunities to participate in summer school sessions designed for language acceleration, intervention, credit recovery, and Independent study.

margin-left:0in'>English Proficiency and Academic Achievement
Essa Section 3116(b)(2)(A-B)margin-left:0in'>Describe how the eligible entity will ensure that elementary schools and secondary schools receiving funds under Subpart 1 assist English learners in:margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(A) achieving English proficiency based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment under Section 1111(b)(2)(G), consistent with the State’s long-term goals, as described in Section 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii); andmargin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(B) meeting the challenging State academic standards.


Clovis Unified has developed a comprehensive plan for developing, implementing and administering its English Learner (EL) program. This plan includes: a description of EL Programs; a plan on how funds are used to meet grade level expectation; accountability models to ensure the academic success of EL students; parent involvement policies to ensure the input of parents and the community are heard and responded to. In addition, data are used to track student achievement of all significant sub-groups and their performance. The revised CUSD English Learners Master Plan (August 2017) articulates and clearly outlines the instructional programs which include English Language Development (ELD) and access to the core curriculum to all EL students. While each program differs in its approach and material resources, the goals of increasing students’ English language proficiency and academic achievement remain the same.

CUSD utilizes Title III funds to provide supplemental services that improve the English language proficiency and academic achievement of ELs, including the provision of language instruction educational programs. CUSD has identified research-based interventions to address ELs academic achievement to help ensure progress in attaining English language proficiency.

CUSD has provided training to teachers on how to integrate and align the California English language proficiency standards with the challenging California content standards in reading/language arts, mathematics and science. District common formative assessment are utilized to monitor EL student progress and assist teachers in moving EL students towards both proficiency in the English language and proficiency on the CA content standards. The goal of the CUSD ELD program is for teachers and administrators to understand that the English language proficiency standards are utilized to build a foundation in the English language that will enable EL students to succeed in each content area.

CUSD’s adopted Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEPs) helps ensure ELs achieve English language proficiency, as well as helping them meet California’s challenging academic standards. The policy is outcomes-driven resulting in improved English language proficiency and academic achievement for ELs to be considered reclassified as fluent English proficient. This program includes annual progress monitoring of EL student’s performance on both ELD assessments and CA content standards. CUSD is committed to developing effective EL instructional programs and services. The goal of program evaluation is to provide information about the effectiveness of EL services. The information gives comprehensive direction to district and school staffs for continuing, modifying, or discontinuing programs and/or program elements. The Departments of Supplemental Services and Assessment will provide the data to measure the effectiveness of EL services.

An EL Student Folder shall be maintained for each English Learner. The purpose of the folder is to assist teachers, parents, school and district administrators with program placement and development, pupil monitoring, and reclassification. The folder contains a copy of the HLS, testing information from initial and annual testing, Initial EL identification card, copies of parent notification letters, Illuminate Student Performance Report, and the reclassification forms.

The CA School Dashboard English learner progress state priority monitors if CUSD is making sufficient annual progress towards English language proficiency and gains in academic achievement.

A long term goal of the CUSD ELD program is to increase the English proficiency of ELs by providing effective language instruction educational programs that meet the needs of ELs and demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency and student achievement. Data from the ELPAC assessment, quarterly ELD assessments, CAASPP assessment and EL student’s grades are monitored in an effort to provides measurements of interim progress towards meeting CUSD’s long term goals.


Title IV, Part A Activities and Programs
Essa Section 4106(e)(1)

Describe the activities and programming that the LEA, or consortium of such agencies, will carry out under Subpart 1, including a description of:

margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(A) any partnership with an institution of higher education, business, nonprofit organization, community-based organization, or other public or private entity with a demonstrated record of success in implementing activities under this subpart; margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(B) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting well-rounded education under Section 4107; margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(C) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting safe and healthy students under Section 4108;margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(D) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting the effective use of technology in schools under Section 4109; andmargin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in'>(E) the program objectives and intended outcomes for activities under Subpart 1, and how the LEA, or consortium of such agencies, will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out under this section based on such objectives and outcomes.


Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) developed its application after consultation meetings with the following stakeholder groups: Parents, teachers, principals, school leaders, community-based organizations, local tribal organizations that are located within our region, and others with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities designed to meet Title IV, Part A funding guidelines.  Meeting feedback and suggestions helped improve the local activities and coordinate the implementation with other related strategies, program and activities that are being conducted in our community. 

As part of the LCAP process, a comprehensive needs assessment survey was conducted to examine the needs for improvement including:  access and opportunities for a well-rounded education for all students, school conditions for student learning in order to create a healthy and safe school environment and create access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology and professional development for the effective use of data and technology, The survey was distributed to all parents, staff, district administration and students in grades 4-12.

CUSD chose to transfer 100% Title IV funding to the Title II, Part A allocation to provide ongoing professional development related to supporting well-rounded education,supporting safe and healthy students and supporting the effective use of technology in schools. This allowed  the district to provide research based instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students.  The professional development was provided to classified, certificated and management staff.  The professional development activities were designed to increase student achievement to support a well-rounded education, support safe and healthy students and support the effective use of technology.  After the conclusion of each workshop, participants completed a survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out.  In addition, the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability reviewed all evaluations and analyzed both summative and formative achievement results to ensure desired outcomes were achieved. 

100% of Title IV funding was transferred to Title II, part A to support student access to a well-rounded education.  These funds allowed CUSD to continue to broaden the partnerships with other schools and community-based services.  Coordination of services occurred during ongoing professional development sessions, MTSS, social emotional wellness training and services, and digital citizenship training. CUSD instructional and technology coaches collaborated with each school site to coordinate efforts.   


    Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit

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